Page 14 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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          Roshan Zeirideen Zaid                                                 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1287

          Should Laparoscopy be the Gold

          Standard for Isthmocele?

          Roshan Zeirideen Zaid

          ABSTRACT                                               The ripple effect of the rising CS rates are being seen in
          Isthmocele is born due to the overwhelmingly increasing cesar-  many ways. Apart from the well-known placental compli-
          ean section (CS) rates all over the world. It was an unknown  cations and others following CS, the rising concerns have
          entity in the last century. Cesarean sections are and can be  turned toward the potential long-term morbidity of the
          responsible for short- and long-term maternal and fetal mor-  scar. Isthmocele is an iatrogenic entity created in the last
          bidity, mortality, and financial issues, directly and indirectly
          associated to the former. Out of the many problems that are   few decades due to the worldwide increase in CS rates.
          caused by CS, isthmocele is a growing surgical concern that  Isthmocele aka CS scar defect (CSD), CS scar abnormality,
          needs attention in identifying, diagnosing, managing, and  pouch, niche, atypical cesarean scar syndrome or cesar-
          treating this problem. Currently, treatments include medical   ean scar syndrome, uterine diverticulum, uteroperitoneal
          and surgical approaches. Hysteroscopy as well as laparoscopy   fistula is a result of weak or incompletely healed scar. 3-7
          are used in the treatment. This review was carried out to show
          that laparoscopy is superior in treating an isthmocele than all   Isthmocele is believed to cause symptoms like post-
          other treatment modalities.                         menstrual spotting, discharge, smelly postmenstrual
          Materials and methods: An electronic search was done and  bleeding, chronic pelvic pain, and dyspareunia,  and
          various articles and studies were reviewed to support the  lately, there has been evidence that this could be related
          hypothesis.                                         to secondary subfertility.  Apart from the above, other
          Keywords: Cesarean section, Hysteroscopy, Isthmocele,  problems associated with scar defect are high-risk
          Niche, Postmenstrual bleeding, Scar defect.         complications with subsequent pregnancies,  such as
          How to cite this article: Zaid RZ. Should Laparoscopy be   dehiscence, placenta previa or accrete,  and cesarean scar
          the Gold Standard for Isthmocele? World J Lap Surg 2016;   ectopic pregnancy,  and difficulty with gynecological
                                                              procedures like uterine evacuation, hysteroscopy, and
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              intrauterine-device insertion. 13
          Conflict of interest: None                             Thurmond postulated in 1999 that a niche in the cesar-
                                                              ean scar could be the cause of abnormal bleeding due to
          InTRoduCTIon                                        the collection of menstrual blood in the pouch. . In 1961
                                                              it was first described as a wedge in HSG (hysterosalpi-
          Cesarean section (CS) was always believed to be a lifesav-  gogram) by Poidevin.  Also Morris  had similar find-
          ing operation for the mother and the unborn. But ironi-
          cally, its rates are rising in the midst of highly improving   ings while analyzing uterine specimens of women who
                                                              underwent hysterectomies. U- or V-shaped hypoechoic
          medical advances in maternal and newborn care. Forbes
          magazine  has recently published that in the Organisation   or anechoic fluid accumulation in the region of former
                                                              uterotomy was considered as diagnostic  with the above-
          for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
          countries, the CS rate approximately stands at 28%. This   described symptoms.
                                                                 The incidence of ismocele varies so much from as low
          includes 34 countries around the world. Further, the World
          health organization (WHO) Global Survey indicates that   as 24% to as high as 84%. Prospective cohort studies done
                                                                                                        Van der
                                                              by Florio state the prevalence as 30 to 52%.
          overall CS rates have increased over time in all countries   20
          except Japan from 26.4 to 31.2% in a multicountry survey   voet et al.  found the prevalence to be 64.5% 6 to 12 weeks
                                                              after CS in women using transvaginal ultrasound and
          (p = 0.003). 2
                                                              sonohysterography. All studies agree that all women
                                                              who have the scar defect are not symptomatic. Tower and
           Board-Certified (UK) Resident Consultant           Frishman  found the prevalence of symptomatic CSD
                                                              could be as low as 19.4% to as high as 88%.
           Department of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Nawaloka
           Hospitals PLC, Colombo, Sri Lanka
                                                              Theories/Risk Factors Contributing
           Corresponding Author: Roshan Zeirideen Zaid, Board Certified   to the Formation of the defect
           (UK)  Resident  Consultant,  Department  of  Obstetrician  and
           Gynaecologist, Nawaloka Hospitals PLC, Colombo, Sri Lanka   The exact reason is unknown, but there are many hypoth-
                                                              eses regarding the contributing factors. The niche is typi-
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