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                                                               Role of Mishra’s Knots in Various Surgeries in Laparoscopy
          RESULTS                                             CONCLUSION

          Using a servohydraulic materials testing system (MTS   A surgeon’s knot provides the best balance of loop secu­
          model 858, Bionix, Eden Prairie, MN) to test the knot and   rity and knot security within the knot configurations
          loop security of each combination of the knots and suture   tested. A sliding knot without RHAPs has both poor
          types (Ethibond and FiberWire) and using 5N preload and   loop security and knot security and should not be tied.
          critical loop circumference of 30 mm, it was found that in   The addition of three RHAPs improves knot security of
          all cases, no knots failed by suture breakage, suggesting   all sliding knots tested and improves loop security of
          that all knots failed by a combination of knot slippage   most of the sliding knots tested. The addition of three
          and suture elongation. When tied with no. 2 Ethibond   RHAPs improved the knot security of all sliding knots
          suture or no. 2 FiberWire suture, the Weston knot pro­  to adequately resist predicted in vivo loads, and Mishra’s
          vided the highest load to failure when compared with the   knot has been proved to be one of the most secure, safe
          other sliding knots. However, the maximum force of the   extracorporeal knot in laparoscopy. It can be used for all
          surgeon’s knot was significantly higher than the Weston   continuous tubular structures of up to 22 mm diameter.
          knot when tied with either Ethibond or FiberWire suture.  The technique is easy to perform and can be done in
             When the sliding knots were tied with three RHAPs   minimal possible time. “This technique of the extracor­
          using no. 2 Ethibond suture, the Weston RHAP, Roeder   poreal knotting is simple, easy, and reproducible with
          RHAP, Mishra RHAP, and SMC RHAP provided the        good knot and loop security and can be used with any
          highest force to failure. These forces were not significantly   suture material of any size.”
          different from the force to failure of the surgeon’s knot
          tied with no. 2 Ethibond suture.                    REFERENCES
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