Page 16 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 16

Riki Singal et al
                           Table 1: Symptoms                                Table 2: Ultrasound findings
                               Group I        Group II        Ultrasound findings   Group I (100)  Group II (100)
           Symptoms            (no. of patients)  (no. of patients)  Multiple stones  63           40
           Pain                87             90              Single stone          37             60
           Vomiting            22             24              Group I                                       2
           Dyspepsia           84             89              Group II                                      10
           Fever with jaundice  4             2

          Ultrasound Findings                                 only a minority of the cases.  In most of the cases the
                                                              fascia was not closed and no port site hernia was seen
          In group I, 63 patients (63%) had chronic cholecystitis
          with multiple stones on ultrasound study and 37 patients   on follow-up of these was patients. Rikki et al performed
                                                              200 cases of LC in 2 years time and fascia was not closed
          (37%) had chronic cholecystitis with solitary stone. In   in all of them and no port site hernia was seen in follow-
          group II, 40 patients (40%) had chronic cholecystitis with   up of these patients  with time, many refinements have
          multiple stones on ultrasound study and 60 patients (60%)   been made in decreasing the port number and port size
          had chronic cholecystitis with solitary stone (Table 2).  leading to evolution of the three-port LC, two-port LC,
             Two patients (2%) in groups I and 10 patients (10%) in   and even single-port LC. The SILS has been recently
          group II had undergone previous lower abdominal surgery.  developed as an alternate approach to standard four-port
             Three patients (10%) of groups I were converted to   LC. In this technique, a single transumbilical incision is
          four-port LC, and none of the patients of group II were   used to either have three ports through the sheath or have
          converted to open cholecystectomy.                  an adaptor with an inbuilt three-port system. It has been
             Mean operative time in three-port LC was 93.16 minutes   shown to offer significant improvement in port-related
          and 50.66 minutes in four-port LC. This difference in time   complications, but is still not widely used due to lack of
          is significant as p value. The shortest period for chole-  standardization of instruments and a significantly long

          cystectomy was 30 minutes, and the longest period was  learning curve. 11
          150 minutes. No cholecystectomy was done within        In the present study, we have compared the two
          40 minutes in group I, but in 10 patients (33%), cholecys-  methods of LC, i.e., three-port LC and the standard four-
          tectomy was done within 40 minutes in group II.     port LC. Cases were divided into two groups of 100 each
             In 8 patients (27%) of group I, dissection of Calot’s trian-  randomly and were designated as groups I and II. In
          gle was easy, and in 22 patients (73%), dissection of Calot’s  group I, three-port LC was performed, and in group II,
          triangle was difficult. In 15 patients (50%) of group II,   four-port LC was performed. Most of the patients in the
          dissection of Calot’s triangle was easy, and in 15 patients  present study were in the age group of 31 to 40 years
          (50%), dissection of Calot’s triangle was difficult.  (33%), range between 18 and 60 years, with a mean age
             Mean number of injections of analgesic (diclofenac)  of 39.33 years. Regarding symptoms, all the patients had
          required in group I was 1.1 and in group II 1.0. Twenty-five   pain as their chief complaint. So, pain was the single most
          patients (83%) in group I required one injection of analgesic   driving force for the patient to seek treatment. Vomiting
          postoperatively, and 29 patients (97%) in group II required   was present in only 3% of the patients.
          one injection of analgesic postoperatively.            In the present study, there was no bleeding due to
                                                              vessel injury and its incidence is low because the number
          DISCUSSION                                          of cases was less.
                                                                 In the present study, there were gallbladder perfora-
          Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered to be the   tions iatrogenically with spillage of stones in 10 patients
          procedure of choice for elective cholecystectomy.  With   (33%) in group I and 3 patients (10%) in group II.
          the increasing experience in advanced laparoscopic tech-  The complications arising from dropped gallstones
          niques, LC is performed by                          in LC patients are subsequent abscesses and inflamma-
          •  Four  ports  of  entry  into  the  abdomen  (standard     tory masses containing gallstones or stone fragments.
             procedure)                                       Morishita et al  reported that spilled stones floating
          •  Three ports of entry into the abdomen            free in the peritoneal cavity may migrate to the pelvic
          •  Two ports of entry into the abdomen              area and become embedded there in the cul-de-sac,
          •  Single port of entry into the abdomen (SILS)     causing a severe reaction. Due to the subsequent inflam-
          •  NOTES  9                                         matory reaction, the fertility may be adversely affected
             Some surgeons observed that LC can be performed  in females.
          safely in the majority of cases by the three-port method.   Duration of operation through three-port LC was an
          It is safe and requires conversion to four-port method in  average 31 minutes and in four-port LC was 31.3 minutes. 8
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