Page 14 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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          Riki Singal et al                                                     10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1294
          OriginaL articLe

          Comparison of Three-port vs Four-port Laparoscopic

          Cholecystectomy in a Medical College in the Periphery

          1 Riki Singal,  Pradeep Goyal,  Muzzafar Zaman,  RK Mishra
          ABSTRACT                                            Keywords: Cholecystectomy, Complications, Incision, Lapa-
                                                              roscopy, Ports.
          Aims and objectives: To compare three-port laparoscopic
          cholecystectomy (LC) with four-port LC in chronic calculous   How to cite this article: Singal R, Goyal P, Zaman M, Mishra RK.
          cholecystitis  patients.  We  compared  the  feasibility  of  the     Comparison of Three-port vs Four-port Laparoscopic Chole-
          procedure, total operative time, postoperative pain, incidence   cystectomy in a Medical College in the Periphery. World J Lap
          of complications, and cosmetic results.             Surg 2017;10(1):12-16.
                                                              Source of support: Nil
          Materials and methods: The present study was conducted
          in the Department of Surgery at Maharishi Markandeshwar   Conflict of interest: None
          Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana, Ambala.
          Totally, 200 adult patients of cholelithiasis with chronic chole-  INTRODUCTION
          cystitis were included in the study. These cases were randomly
          divided into two groups (I and II) consisting of 100 cases in  The introduction of minimal access surgery for gallblad-
          each group. The study was conducted for a period of 1 year   der surgery has revolutionized the treatment of gallstones.
          from April 2014 to March 2015. Three-port LC was performed
          in group I patients and four-port LC was performed in group II.   The advantages of laparoscopic procedure are lesser
          The cosmetic results, incidence of postoperative complications,  postoperative pain, lesser incidence of surgical site infec-
          and operative time were noted in both the groups.   tion and shorter hospital stay.  Abdominal incision has
             The present study is being undertaken to compare the   been reduced to four (or more) small stab incisions. This
          various merits and demerits of three-port LC vs four-port LC
          performed by the same surgical team in the same scenario, in   approach significantly causes less postoperative pain, less
          terms of parameters mentioned subsequently and assess the  bleeding, short hospital stay, and a good cosmetic outcome.
          feasibility of both the procedures in our setup in a medical college.  The benefits were assessed very soon afterward: Less post-
          Results: Gallstone disease is found to be more common in the   operative pain, shortened hospital stay, rapid recovery, and
          4th and 5th decades. Mean age of presentation was 41 years.  better cosmetic results. As the technique became a routine
          Three-port LC is difficult in cases of dense adhesions. There   procedure, modifications were made in order to make it
          were significant differences in operative time (93.16 minutes                  1
          for three-port LC and 50.66 minutes for four-port LC). There   less invasive and more cosmetic.  Later, technical advances
          was no significant difference due to type of operation. Cosmetic   introduced the 5-mm laparoscope and the 5-mm clip appli-
          appearances for both the procedures were comparable.  ers, thus decreasing the port size, and later, the newer 2- or
          Conclusion: We concluded that both three-port and four-port   3-mm instruments allowed the surgeons to make smaller
          cholecystectomies are equally good procedures in the hands  incisions. The use of a working channel laparoscope made
          of experienced laparoscopic surgeons. The complications,   it possible to use only two ports, along with transdermal
          operative time, hospital stay, cosmesis, and disability days were   sutures and needles, for an easier manipulation of the gall-
          comparable in both groups. The four-port technique should be
          accepted and adopted only by beginners in minimal access   bladder. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery
          surgery. The operator who performs three-port LC should be  (NOTES) has been shown to offer further improvements
          prepared for placement of an additional port or conversion to   in advantages of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), i.e.,
          open laparotomy whenever complication arises.
                                                              decreased pain, early ambulation, and better cosmesis.
                                                              Gallstone disease has been known since long as far as
           1 Professor,  Associate Professor,  Assistant Professor,  Chief  the 5th century when Greek physician Trallianus wrote
                                                              about gallstones.  Nowadays, LC is the gold standard for
           1,3 Department of Surgery, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of
           Medical Sciences and Research, Ambala, Haryana, India  the treatment of symptomatic gallstones.
                                                                 Gallstones are remarkably common, especially in
           2 Department of Surgery, Maharishi Markandeshwar University   female population, and are a major expensive health
           Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
                                                              problem. Its prevalence has become more apparent since
           4 World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurugram, Haryana, India  the introduction of ultrasonography. The incidence of
           Corresponding Author: Muzzafar Zaman, Assistant Professor      cholelithiasis in the United States is reported to be 10%.
           Department of Surgery, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of   In addition to these 20,000,000 people with documented
           Medical Sciences and Research, Ambala, Haryana, India, Phone:   cholelithiasis, another 800,000 new cases are diagnosed
           +918059931554, e-mail:
                                                              annually  and 500,000 cholecystectomies are being
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