Page 13 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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                             LINX Magnetic Esophageal Sphincter Augmentation vs Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication for GERD
          the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus while  and four cases were subjected to a revision surgery due
          maintaining a physiological LES tone, allowing the  to hiatal hernia recurrence. 12,13  The MSA group mor-
          passage of the food bolus.  Magnetic sphincter augmen-  bidity included one pleural injury, two incidences of
          tation serves the surgeon and the patient with a faster,  intra operative bleeding, one pneumothorax,  and one gas-
          simpler, and less invasive tool to effectively treat GERD.  troesophageal obstruction.  Two patients had their device
          On comparison, the LNF is a difficult procedure with  removed, one had treatment failure, and the other patient
          the outcomes based on the skill and experience of the  had dysphagia secondary to device erosion 18 months after
          surgeon.  It eliminates the need for extensive dissection  the surgery. No mortalities were reported.
          of esophagus and mobilization of gastric fundus, which
          is the hallmark of the LNF procedure. The long-term  CONCLUSION
          complications of MSA reversibility are still unclear, as   Magnetic sphincter augmentation appears to be an
          in cases where the device may be removed using the   effective treatment for GERD, with short-term outcomes
          minimally invasive technique.  The device is currently   comparable to the more technically challenging and time-
          compatible with 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging.  consuming LNF. It has a favorable side-effect profile for
             Magnetic sphincter augmentation is not indicated in   the majority of the morbidities associated with GERD
          patients with large paraesophageal hernias, esophageal   surgery. In order to further understand the efficacy of
          dysmotility, and hence considered less versatile than LNF.   MSA, a long-term comparative outcome data past 1 year
          The notable drawback associated with MSA is dysphagia   are needed.
          reported as more severe and lasts longer than LNF-
          associated dysphagia. However, a graduated modified   REFERENCES
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          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2017;10(2):54-56                                55
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