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Two original World Laparoscopy Hospital issues on genitourinary prolapse in female
2016  |  01.01.2016 1:28 am  |  3836  |  A+ | a-
World Laparoscopy Hospital
World Laparoscopy Hospital
Dear Members!

A friendly welcome to our January 2016 Newsletter of World Laparoscopy Hospital. We would like to wish you a very Happy New Year.

To inaugurate the new year, we are delighted to dedicate two original World Laparoscopy Hospital issues on uterine prolapse, a topic which is becoming increasingly important in the therapeutic armamentarium of gynecologist. Under the impulse of our Asian colleagues, laparoscopy has now become the gold standard of treatment of numerous early genitoirinary prolapse. It has progressively replaced several conventional surgical procedures and can significantly change the management of postoperative complications. These issues will feature LIVE INTERACTIVE SURGERIES and lectures delivered by experts of World Laparoscopy Hospital, which were recorded during Advanced Courses in Fellowship of Minimal Access Surgery at World Laparoscopy Hospital Gurgaon in November and December 2015 respectively. 

This month's topics incorporate a brand-new field dedicated to respiration in anesthesia and in intensive care from airway management to cellular respiration. Make sure to also check out lectures in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), and arthroscopic surgery. 

We hope that this month's publication will help you extend your knowledge and enhance your expertise. We would be keen on receiving your feedback, which will surely be considered.

  World Laparoscopy Hospital has been consider as apex institute in Asia for Robotic Surgery and it is being recognized as premier institute fot its international training platform in robot-assisted surgery, hence confirming the position of World Laparoscopy Hospital as a worldwide leader in minimally invasive and robotic surgery. Consequently, every surgeon in the world will be able to come at World Laparoscopy Hospital and get proper robot training on both the da Vinci® Surgical System and the da Vinci® S HD™ Surgical System.
Yours faithfully, 

Dr R K Mishra

Dr. R. K. Mishra 
Chairman and Director
World Laparoscopy Hospital


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