Newsletter for Latest Laparoscopic News | WLH Visual Stories

The WALS 2020 Gold Medal will be awarded to a surgeon or gynecologist who will make an outstanding abstract and scientific contribution.
Abstract submission is now open for the WALS 2020 World Congress! You are invited to submit abstracts to the Scientific Session
We the staff of World Laparoscopy Hospital is congratulating Batch September 2019 for Getting Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery.
We dare not trust our wit for making our laparoscopic training at WLH pleasant to our friend. When hospitality becomes an art.
Laparoscopic F.MAS and D.MAS batch August 2019 is Over. We all the member of World Laparoscopy Hospital convey Congratulations To All.
Take advantage of time-tested, comprehensive professional education and program services of robotic surgery at World Laparoscopy Hospital
World Laparoscopy Hospital mobile apps in this release include the following features & improvements for the need of Laparoscopic Surgeons

We are delighted to inform you that World Laparoscopy Hospital, India, under the aegis of World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons.
GURUGRAM, HARYANA, INDIA, May 22, 2019. First in the World 3.5 Kg Fibroid, Ovarian Cyst, Gallbladder & Appendix removed by Laparoscopy.
Expert Surgeons at World Laparoscopy Hospital - The WLH Bariatric Month can help you get back a healthy, happy and active life.
WLH Open Days are a unique chance for surgeons and gynecologist to take the first steps towards shaping their future in Robotic Surgery.
Come along to our June Open Event; be inspired and get the career you want. Make sure to check the availability of seats in Robotic Open day

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Gurugram, NCR Delhi, 122002

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