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World Laparoscopy Hospital Continuing Laparoscopic Surgery During Covid 19 Pandemic
2020  |  04.26.2020 7:00 am  |  3712  |  A+ | a-
World Laparoscopy Hospital and COVID 19
World Laparoscopy Hospital and COVID 19
The worldwide impact of COVID 19 continues to be felt as hospitals in all countries reduce elective and non-urgent cases to allow staffing and resources to be deployed elsewhere. Many hospitals are still scheduling elective procedures during coronavirus crisis, and frontline medical workers fear they’re infecting patients.

At World Laparoscopy Hospital like many hospitals, we are performing routine essential minimal access surgery.  Many other hospitals are canceling or scaling back on non-essential elective surgeries to make space for patients with the COVID-19 coronavirus and ensure there are enough intensive care beds available. But there’s a lot of variation in what hospitals consider elective and what they do not, including procedures that can reduce pain or discomfort but aren’t life-threatening if they’re delayed a few months.

Corona Pandemic

WHO has published guidance on adjusting public health and social measures for the next phase of the COVID-19 response. Some governments have suggested that the detection of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could serve as the basis for an “immunity passport” or “risk-free certificate” that would enable individuals to travel or to return to work assuming that they are protected against re-infection.

Our surgeons at World Laparoscopy Hospital are continuing on with business as usual. What we believe that if we don’t get their frequently inflamed gallbladder removed, for instance, because it’s deemed elective, then that could take a lot more resources overall to deal with if it becomes an emergency in a few months.

We are continuing to offer scheduled surgeries for patients who are in need. About 25 percent of today’s scheduled laparoscopic surgery cases are emergencies, such as cancerous tumor removals, Ectopic pregnancy, Acute appendicitis or acute cholecystitis and another 25 percent of today’s surgeries are injury-related, including injury repair, burns, and post-injury care. The remaining cases are made up of procedures such as kidney stones, gallstones, and other surgeries for physical repair and patient pain relief.

We give special consideration to patients with “certain underlying conditions that could increase risk if the procedure is delayed. But most elective procedures have been delayed. Although we have decided to serve the community bt performing Minimal Access Surgery the safety of our healthcare workers and patients is our top priority.

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