Frequently asked question about FICRS

Frequently Asked Questions about Fellowship in Robotic Surgery
It is true that World Laparoscopy Hospital is providing Robotic Hands On training on true da Vinci Robot. This is High definition High definition latest version of Robot which is available only at few hospitals in Asia. World Laparoscopy Hospital is the first institute in the world which provides Hands On training on that much expensive real surgical robot.
More Than 800 Surgeons And Gynecologists Have Taken Training In Robotic Surgery At World Laparoscopy Hospital. We are giving Robotic Surgery training since 2010.
India has immense scope for robotic surgery. What we need is skilled manpower for doctors who can conduct the surgery. World Laparoscopy Hospital has the ambition to make India the Global leader in Laparoscopic Surgery.
According to experts, the surgery is expected to find more takers when the cost comes down in the times to come. Till now, the robot is manufactured by California-based Intuitive Surgical. One particular company maintains a monopoly in the market, competition could help us bring down the cost.
While the surgery is conducted by a four-armed robot, the movements of the robot are controlled by a trained doctor. An arm of the robot controls the camera and the other three hands manipulate the surgical instruments. The entire surgical process is observed via a high-definition 3D vision system known as the Da Vinci surgical robotic system.
Benefits experienced by patients may include:
  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss and fewer blood transfusions
  • The minimally invasive surgical option for women with large, numerous or difficult to access fibroids
  • Fewer complications and lower risk of infection
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Faster recovery and return to normal activities
  • Small, dime-sized incisions for minimal scarring
  • Simplifies many existing procedures
The International College of Robotic Surgeons is organized exclusively for educational, scientific, research and charitable purposes to promote the robotic surgery among surgeons and gynecologists from all over World. International College of Robotic Surgeons is duly registered through Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860. The mission of ICRS is to foster and advocate, equal opportunities, fairness, educational excellence, volunteerism and cooperation for all International Medical Graduates in the World, and to participate in favorable non-discriminatory public policy development legislation and the mainstream of robotic surgery. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Governing Council elected from time to time as per the procedure detailed in Rules and Regulations..
At World Laparoscopy Hospital the Fees of Robotic Training is 3500 USD for Overseas candidates and 1,75, 000 Rupees for Indians. Lunch, study materials are catered to the host. Participants will be given the user name and password of the member area to download unlimited videos of all advanced robotic surgery.
  • The objective of Robotic Surgery Training is to understand the fundamental principles used in robotic-assisted laparoscopic re-constructive and extirpative procedures:
  • To become familiar with the function and operation of the da Vinci® Surgical System.
  • To become familiar with the ergonomics of the da Vinci®Surgical System robot and the available robotic instrumentation.
  • To understand the selection process for patient position, surgical team position, and surgical approaches.
  • To become familiar with the technique of robotic-assisted intra-corporeal suturing and knot tying.
  • To learn tricks of the trade to make laparoscopic re-constructive procedures more efficient without much complication.
  • Overview and Course Agenda: All participants will be trained in the following:
  • To procedure pre-planning
  • How to do proper operative room setup
  • How to do patient preparation and positioning
  • Fundamentals of da Vinci® Surgical System components and instrumentation
  • Training of intra-corporeal suturing and knot tying
  • Learn microdissection by the robot
  • Learn tricks of the trade tips for efficient surgery
After successful completion of robotic surgery training at World Laparoscopy Hospital, You will get a Fellowship of International College of Robotic Surgeon.
World Laparoscopy Hospital offer Fellowship of International College of Robotic Surgeons (FICRS) for surgeon and gynecologist. ROBOTIC SURGERYHANDS ON TRAINING COURSE is unique in whole world and we have real da Vinci HD (High Definition robot worth 2 million dollar investment) to provide this training.
We use 4 arm HD da Vinci Robot at World Laparoscopy Hospital.  The da Vinci Surgical System is a tool that utilizes advanced, robotic technologies to assist your surgeon with your operation. It does not act on its own and its movements are controlled by your surgeon. The da Vinci Surgical System has a 3D high definition (3D-HD) vision system, special instruments and computer software that allow your surgeon to operate with enhanced vision, precision, dexterity and control. The 3D-HD image can be magnified up to 10 times so your surgeon has a close-up view of the area he or she is operating on. The da Vinci instruments have mechanical wrists that bend and rotate to mimic the movements of the human wrist – allowing your surgeon to make small, precise movements inside your body. And, da Vinci software can minimize the effects of a surgeon’s hand tremors on instrument movements.
Any qualified General Surgeon, Gynecologist, Urologist, Pediatric Surgeon or Cardiothoracic Surgeon can conduct Robotic Surgery Training at World Laparoscopy Hospital.
Faculty of Robotic Training: The faculty Prof. R.K. Mishra is the Master Minimal Access Surgeon (M.MAS) from Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, United Kingdom, and Trained in Robotic Surgery from Harvard Medical School Boston, USA, with extensive experience in robotic-assisted laparoscopic re-constructive and extirpative procedures, will conduct live operations and run didactic and laboratory sessions to teach general principles used. A hands-on state of the art HD wet operating room laboratory session will help participants practice and adapt these principles to their area of surgical expertise.


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World Laparoscopy Hospital, Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR Delhi, 122002, India, Phone: 9811416838, 9811416832

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