Frequently asked question about IVF Course

Frequently Asked Questions about IVF Course
During the whole day of training, you get drinks, snacks, and lunch free of charge from the canteen of World Laparoscopy Hospital.
For the cancellation conditions, please send one email to admission@laparoscopy You may postpone the course and again apply for the new month anytime later if you want.

Applying for the course is very easy just go to the link below and fill up the online application form:
For the cancellation conditions, please send one email to admission@laparoscopy You may postpone the course and again apply for the new month anytime later if you want.

Applying for the course is very easy just go to the link below and fill up the online application form:
Yes, we have a hostel for doctors. As the accommodation to this new place is not affordable, our doctors find hostels to be more affordable means of living. We have a hostel in hospital building as well as we have a Pacific hotel owned by World Laparoscopy Hospital where our doctors stay.

Established in 2001 and one of the Most Popular International Institute of Minimal Access Surgery Training and being premier institute in the India, the course, in association with TGO University, uniquely provides theoretical and practical training in all aspects of human assisted conception including embryology, andrology, micromanipulation, endocrinology, cryobiology and infertility. Provision of course material and training is by expert who is highly active within speciality.

World Laparoscopy Hospital is world leader to offer the most advanced and globally competitive training in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Courses of ART training at World Laparoscopy Hospital can be catered to individual needs.

No, it is not necessary for the students of WLH to stay in hostels. Many of the overseas doctors stay in nearby four or five-star hotel. Hospital has its own three-star hotel called Pacific Hotel and many students stay in the Pacific Hotel. 1 or 2 students from every batch study as day scholars, they come from their home every day to attend the lectures and practical classes and during the operative session.
As soon as you will apply for the course you will get an acknowledgment by email. After a few hours, you will receive a final confirmation and invitation letter of your course registration by email. 

It is very easy to apply for any training program at World Laparoscopy Hospital. Decide which course you want to join and then Complete the Online Application Form by visiting
You can easily apply for the course online by going to
You should apply well before the course starts because there is a limited number of seats and hundreds of applicants waiting for their turn.
All our Training Program will be in the English Language. For overseas doctors knowing how proficient you are, will allow us to judge whether you can cope with the lessons and course work within the timescale of a program or if you need additional tuition and time, so it is essential you test your English yourself before you arrive.

There will be 25% discount in the fee of Robotic Surgery Course, Upper and Lower GI Endoscopy Course or IVF Course if you join it together with laparoscopic Fellowship or Diploma program. Please Note there will not be any discount on laparoscopic surgery course fee only other course which you integrate with laparoscopy will have 25% discount.

Completed applications (those with all required credentials received) will be reviewed by a departmental faculty admissions committee. The review process can typically last 24 hours, after which candidates will be notified of the official decision via regular mail.
If you have registered for a course and you are not able to attend, you have three options:

Reschedule your registration to another month
Cancel your registration 
You may choose any of these options as late as one week before the start of the course. 

Course Fees of Fellowship in Assisted Reproductive Technologies is 1700 USD for Overseas candidate and 67,000 Rupees for Indian Candidates.

Please note that living expenses (Food, Travel, Stationary, and Laundry etc.) are not covered in the course fee. There is no extra charge to utilize hospital resources like internet, IVF instruments, O.T. Dress, Library, Videos, CDs.

At the end of the programme, candidate will receive Certificate of Fellowship in Assisted Reproductive Technologies


Any knowledge of IVF is not required as we start from scratch. The only requirement is that you should be a qualified gynecologist to attend this training program.
Objectives of the course are as follow:
  • To understand the basic knowledge of assisted reproductive technology
  • To be able to explain to patients and their families regarding the different aspect of assisted reproductive technology
  • To enable the candidate to handle the state-of-art equipment, its proper use and care
  • To have the basic skills customized for the candidate to suit their specific needs
  • To know the indications, contraindication, complications of different techniques of ART
  • To have enough skill for starting their own practice of assisted reproductive technology

Topics Covered during IVF training

  • Introduction to In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Ultrasound folliculometry, urinary LH surge detection
  • Investigation and management of infertility
  • IUI, (AIH)
  • IUI (Donor insemination)
  • Hands on semen analysis, semen washing, sperm freezing
  • Hands On Semen Preparation for intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • Tests for Ovarian reserve
  • Different stimulation protocol and monitoring of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
  • Prevention of OHSS and its management
  • Approaches to ovarian stimulation in PCO patients
  • Role of Assisted reproductive technology (ART) in endometriosis
  • Hands On Egg pick up, its protocol and trouble shoots
  • Hands on culture dish preparation
  • Gamete handling and insemination in embryology lab
  • Hands on catheter loading of embryos and transfer using non gamete cells. Luteal support
  • Protocols for thaw embryo transfer
Skill and precision is required for all Assisted Reproductive Technologies. The skill of ART are gained only through in-depth knowledge and experience. World Laparoscopy Hospital impart this knowledge through lectures, actual hands-on training and demonstrations that ensure proficiency for every aspirant gynecologists at the end of course. Assisted Reproductive Technology Course of World Laparoscopy Hospital is 06 days Hands on Fellowship Course for the interested Gynecologist and Embryologist. The main objectives of this programme is to update the scientific background and to promote the clinical and the technical skills of the gynecologist in assisted reproductive technology. Special arrangements of the timings is done for the candidates who are already taking the Fellowship or Diploma course and laparoscopic training at World Laparoscopy Hospital.
That depends upon your intended career path.

You can’t practice as an infertility speacialist, without a relevant postgraduate qualification in IVF. After this training, you can practice. Some research-based careers require you to have taken a research-intensive postgraduate course in Assisted Reproductive Technique. In other cases, a postgraduate course may be seen as an example of your commitment to a speciality, or as a way of accelerating your move to professional accreditation. But in all cases, you need the personal abilities and commitment for the job as well as an actual qualification.
Appropriate training documents will be provided for all training courses. For face-to-face training courses, which are marked with a tablet icon in the catalog, the training documents will be provided in electronic form through the member is of World Laparoscopy Hospital. There are hundreds of Videos, Books, and Articles for Trainees which we provide free of cost.
Appropriate training documents will be provided for all training courses. For face-to-face training courses, which are marked with a tablet icon in the catalog, the training documents will be provided in electronic form through the member is of World Laparoscopy Hospital. There are hundreds of Videos, Books, and Articles for Trainees which we provide free of cost.


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