Frequently asked question about Integrated F.MAS and D.MAS Course

Frequently Asked Questions about F.MAS and D.MAS Course
Gynecologists should be able to perform following advanced surgery after D.MAS + F.MAS three week integrated course:
  1. Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy
  2. Laparoscopic Sterilization and Recanalization
  3. Laparoscopic Management of Ovarian Cyst 
  4. Laparoscopic Salpingo-Oophorectomy 
  5. Laparoscopic Management of Tubal Pregnancy 
  6. Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy 
  7. Laparoscopic Total Hysterectomy
  8. Laparoscopic Cervical Cerclage 
  9. Supracervical Laparoscopic Hysterectomy 
  10. Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy 
  11. Laparoscopic Burch Suspension 
  12. Laparoscopic Myomectomy 
  13. Laparoscopic Intestinal and Tubal Anastomosis 
  14. Laparoscopic Sacro-Colpopexy 
  15. Laparoscopic Hysteropexy
  16. Laparoscopic Pectopexy Surgery 
  17. Radical Laparoscopic Hysterectomy 
  18. Laparoscopic Pelvic Floor Repair 
  19. TVT and TOT & TVTO for Stress Urinary Incontinence 
  20. Laparoscopic Vesico-Vaginal Fistula Repair 
  21. Laparoscopic Lymphadenectomy for Gynecological Malignancies 
  22. Laparoscopic uterine nerve ablation (LUNA) for chronic pelvic pain 
  23. Laparoscopic Tubal Reversal Surgery 
  24. Laparoscopic Fimbrioplasty 
  25. Laparoscopic Presacral Neurectomy 
  26. Laparoscopic Management of Severe Endometriosis 
  27. Operative Hysteroscopy (Submucous Myomectomy, Metroplasty & TCRE) 
  28. Simple Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery 
  29. Colposcopy 
  30. Hands-On Simple da Vinci Robotic Surgery 
  31.  Laparoscopic Movie Making and Video Editing 
Surgeon and Urologist should be able to independently perform following advanced surgery after three week D.MAS + F.MAS Course:
  1. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 
  2. Laparoscopic Appendectomy 
  3. Laparoscopic Repair of Inguinal Hernia (TAPP and TEP) 
  4. Laparoscopic Repair of Para umbilical Hernia 
  5. Laparoscopic Repair of Incisional Hernia 
  6. Laparoscopic Repair of Spigelian Hernia
  7. Laparoscopic Repair of Hiatus Hernia
  8. Laparoscopic Repair of Duodenal Perforation 
  9. Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy 
  10. Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
  11. Laparoscopic Orcheopexy
  12. Laparoscopic Splenectomy
  13. Laparoscopic Fundoplication, Hellers Myotomy 
  14. Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 
  15. Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass and Roux En Y Bypass
  16. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Plication 
  17. Intestinal Anastomosis & Thoracoscopy 
  18. Laparoscopic low anterior resection for rectal cancer 
  19. Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy For Benign and Malignant Disease 
  20. Laparoscopic Repair of Rectal Prolapse 
  21. Thoracoscopic Procedures like Sympathectomy, Thoracoscopic Hellers Myotomy, etc 
  22. Laparoscopic Repair of Hiatus Hernia 
  23. Laparoscopic Management of Hydatid Cyst 
  24. Laparoscopic Exploration of CBD 
  25. Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty 
  26. Retroperitoneoscopic Nephrectomy and Ureterolithotomy 
  27. Simple Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery 
  28. Procedure for Prolapse and Haemorrhoid (Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy)
  29. Laparoscopic Vesico-Vaginal Fistula Repair 
  30. Hands-On Upper GI Endoscopy 
  31. Hands-On Simple da Vinci Robotic Surgeries
  32. Laparoscopic Movie Making and Video Editing 
  33. Laparoscopic Prescription Writing Software

The urologist should be able to independently perform following advanced surgery after D.MAS + F.MAS three week course:
  1. Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy 
  2. Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
  3. Laparoscopic Orchiopexy
  4. Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 
  5. Retroperitoneoscopic Nephrectomy and Ureterolithotomy 
  6. Simple Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery 
  7. Laparoscopic Vesico-Vaginal Fistula Repair 
  8. Laparoscopic Burch Suspension 
  9. TVT and TOT & TVTO for Stress Urinary Incontinence 
  10. Hands-On Upper GI Endoscopy 
  11. Hands-On Simple da Vinci Robotic Surgeries
  12. Laparoscopic Movie Making and Video Editing 
  13. Laparoscopic Prescription Writing Software

Fortunately Yes. Our videos, powerpoints, books, articles, Journals are available to access through the Member Area of World Laparoscopy Hospital during the stated access period and when you are logged into a class or course or even after leaving the institute.
Yes! During F.MAS and D.MAS Integrated laparoscopic training you can also learn robotic surgery. This will be evening class and you will get extra time to Work on our 4 arms da Vinci HD Robot. If you join Robotic Surgery, IVF or Endoscopic Surgery course during laparoscopic training you will get 25% discount on the course which you join apart from laparoscopy. Joining another course will not affect your laparoscopic training but you need to work hard,
Yes, we have a hostel for doctors. Getting a college near your home is quite rare. As the accommodation to this new place is not affordable, our doctors find hostels to be more affordable means of living.
Yes! You can take a two-week fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery now and later after a few months you can take the other two months of Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery. This is a common practice for the surgeon and Gynecologists who have less time and have a busy practice. But we generally encourage the surgeon to take the course in one stretch so the tempo of the course will be maintained.
World Laparoscopy Hospital is NABH accredited hospital and whenever you want you can involve yourself in patient care.
No, it is not necessary for the students of WLH to stay in hostels. Many of the overseas doctors stay in nearby four or five-star hotel. Hospital has its own three-star hotel called Pacific Hotel and many students stay in the Pacific Hotel. 1 or 2 students from every batch study as day scholars, they come from their home every day to attend the lectures and practical classes and during the operative session.
No you do not. Our courses are designed to help you master practical laparoscopic surgery, Courses at World Laparoscopy Hospital is created to cater surgeons and gynecologists from every background every age and every part of the World. We start from very basic and then take the skill of the surgeon to advanced level.
No. Laparoscopic Surgery is a skill, not specialization and it cannot be learned by distant education. Our Course is a complete clinical Hands-On Course. At this time we only offer in-person Hands_On training courses. While online works for some programs, we’ve found that for us, having attendees in the operating room with the trainer is the best experience for everyone. Surgeons and Gybecologis attendees can easily interact with the professor, and the trainer can give them real one-on-one help as needed. In-person training is especially necessary for all Minimal Access Surgical Courses which require more attention to detail and work with the trainer.
Yes, we do. After the completion of your courses of Minimal Access Surgery, should you opt for placement assistance, you can work with WLH Placement Professionals to find a career that best suits you all over World. Mr. Robin is our Placement manager to help job all over the World. You need to submit your CV and as soon as a vacancy is there it will be immediately informed you by email. We receive a lot of requirements from hospitals all over the world, and we try to match the right person with the right job. Once you complete your course and build your online portfolio, our Placement Professionals forward your resume to companies that require talented laparoscopic surgeons in the area that you specialize in. If the company expresses interest in you, we organize interviews so that you can better impress your potential employers and land your dream job.
At WORLD LAPAROSCOPY HOSPITAL, we believe in learning by doing. Building qualified Minimal Access Surgeon thinking and creative leadership skills require practice and pushing outside your comfort zone. In our laparoscopic courses, you’ll learn through engaging video lessons, real operating room session, hands-on activities, sharing insights, and gathering feedback. You’ll gain fresh perspectives that will expand your thinking and push you to bold new ideas through practice and discussion with a community of like-minded laparoscopic surgeons. JUST KEEP IN MIND.   THIS IS THE BEST LAPAROSCOPIC TRAINING PROGRAM AVAILABLE ON PLANET EARTH
Your WLH Member Account is created shortly after you join World Laparoscopy Hospital. Our Computing Services and Systems Development will send you an email of your account username and password via email. You should then access your account to change your password and set your preferences from the Manage My Account page.

You can go here to manage your account:
Once you have accepted the offer of admission, you can obtain your student ID card by visiting the admin section located in the main lobby of World Laparoscopy Hospital.
It is very easy to apply for any training program at World Laparoscopy Hospital. Decide which course you want to join and then Complete the Online Application Form by clicking here
Someone rightly said that "Every institute has its own identity". World Laparoscopy Hospital Training Institute is a reputed training institute in the World, due to its outstanding performance in the last two decades. We have continuously improved our training methodology and infrastructure.

Our training procedure is completely different from other institutes because first of all, we understand the needs of surgeons and gynecologists. Our training methodology includes classroom practice test, practical training, real-time projects, quizzes, practical test, final projects, operating room session, Video demonstration, clinical attachments etc. We have more than 19+ years experience faculty members who also help an individual as a career counselor. Apart from training we also organize special classes, workshops, placement opportunity, etc.

World Laparoscopy Hospital Provide Free Study Material of Worth 3000 USD to its participant surgeon and gynecologists

Our interactive teaching and multimedia materials and workbooks bring a new dimension to laparoscopic learning. The materials we provide are for surgeons and gynecologists who participate in our "Hands-on" training program to keep and to refer to whenever you wish. When your course laparoscopic training course starts, you'll receive course materials. The materials we provide are internationally renowned, and of the highest quality, and they include:

Apart from a soft copy of the study material which we give to every participating surgeon, we also give the user name or the password of our member area to our participating surgeon so that they can download unlimited study material from secure member area of our web site.

Member area of World Laparoscopy Hospital has thousands of high-resolution laparoscopic video ready to download related to almost all the laparoscopic procedure done anywhere in the world

Member area World Laparoscopy Hospital has more than hundreds of e-book of Laparoscopic Surgery

Member area World Laparoscopy Hospital has hundreds of Laparoscopic PowerPoints ready to download

World's One of the most advanced online prescription writing software for surgeons and gynecologist completely free

World laparoscopy hospital website has Extended Validation SSL secured Dedicated SSD Server. We have our own DNS, and dedicated server in the USA so that surgeon will get a very fast unlimited download of video, power points, software, and other study material.

If you are looking for any course and want to see how World Laparoscopy Hospital different from others, please visit once to see our counseling process, infrastructure, training process, etc...
F.MAS and D.MAS Integrated Course duration is every day 8:30 am to 5 pm. Approximately 8 hours of rigorous training for three week will be every day. In that 8 hour, there will be 3 hours Lecture, 3 hours Practical and two hours will be live surgery exposure in laparoscopic operation theatre with our consultant.
Yes, of course, it is very important to know each and everything about World Laparoscopy Hospital before joining us. Our institute helps you properly to resolve your queries. During counseling surgeons and gynecologists can directly discuss with our faculty face to face, if surgeon or gynecologist is having any type of confusion related to training and course content then can directly ask for the demo class.
We do not have a dress code for training, but most people prefer business casual. During OT session and Lab Practical Apron and Disposable Gown, Cap Mas will be provided by the hospital.
We have classes running on all six days of the week except Sunday, with a new batch starting every month from 1st of the month. Let us help you find the perfect course to suit your schedule!
  • F.MAS: 2-week intensive laparoscopic training course from 1st to 14th of every month
  • F.MAS + D.MAS: 4-week Integrated Fellowship and Diploma in laparoscopy from 1st to 28th every month
  • Endoscopy: 4 days intensive UGI and LGI course from 16th to 19th of every month
  • IVF: 6 days intensive In vitro fertilization Course from 7th to 12th of every month
  • F.MAS in Dubai: 5 days Hands-On Training from 25th to 29th of January, March, June, September, and November
  • F.I.C.R.S: 4 days intensive da Vinci Robotic Surgery course from 17th to 20th of every month
No! Unfortunately, at present, this integrated F.MAS and D.MAS program is not yet started at the Dubai branch or USA branch of World Laparoscopy Hospital. 

Please click here to learn about Dubai F.MAS Course
Completed applications (those with all required credentials received) will be reviewed by a departmental faculty admissions committee. The review process can typically last 24 hours, after which candidates will be notified of the official decision via regular mail.
Yes! We do not provide laptops at training, and having access to the Internet is vital. Laptops are highly recommended over tablets or smartphones because our Member Area Study Materials work best in a laptop/desktop environment. We do not have spare laptops at our courses.

Additionally, if you’re using a company laptop, please check with your IT department about potential issues with Wifi and firewalls. Everyone will be required to use Wifi during class, so having those permissions in place will make the training go smoother! 
English language proficiency is just required minimum to ensure you can read, write, and speak English and you can understand all the lectures and practical instructions.
If you are unable to complete a course before your access time runs out, please send an email to our support team so we can find a reasonable solution for you. Our goal is to provide the best learner experience possible. You can complete course another month.
While focusing on your studies and investing in your future is important, so is a well-balanced lifestyle. At Cyber City, Gurgaon there are plenty of social and recreational activities for you to choose from when you need a break from studying. We have a Vibrant student community at World Laparoscopy Hospital. We have doctors coming from more than 100 countries and your education doesn't end at the lecture theatre door. you have a chance to join a community where you can be who you are and do what you love.
Admission requirements vary by program. It is best to consult the program's homepage and the admissions procedures to determine the exact credentials required for your specific program. 
For integrated F.MAS and D.MAS program, you should be a qualified General surgeon, Gynecologist, Pediatric Surgeon, Urologist or Cardiothoracic surgeon.
Duration of F.MAS and D.MAS Integrated Course is for three weeks. Sunday is a holiday so effective working days would be 21 days.
The Course fee for three week Integrated Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery and Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (D.MAS) is 6,000 USD for the overseas candidate and Rs 2,00,000 only for Indian Doctors. There is no extra charge to utilize hospital resources like internet, laparoscopic instruments, O. T. Dress, Library, Videos, CDs. Working lunch, snacks tea and coffee will be provided whole day during the course. Doctors dedicated accommodation is available at subsidized tariff in Pacific Hotel (Owned and Managed By WLH). Hospital has its own deluxe bus to bring surgeons to hospital. For Indian doctors, accommodation is available in the hospital campus.
No institute in the whole world has a program parallel to what World Laparoscopy Hospital offers for 3 weeks. What makes our program so powerful is the comprehensive framework we use. Integrated F.MAS and D.MAS course is unique in the whole world because of the following reasons.
  1. This is the only program in the World where the candidate will be exposed from Veress Needle to Da Vinci Robot
  2. Our faculty has 20 years of experience of teaching Minimal Access Surgery
  3. World Laparoscopy Hospital has the largest skill lab in the World with 25 laparoscopic HD tower
  4. Surgeons and Gynecologists have the opportunity to work with our consultant in an operation theatre
  5. They will get the opportunity to operate themselves in Animal Lab over an anesthetized animal
  6. Study Materials of Worth 3000 USD will be given in the form of books and videos free during the course
  7. Participants will become alumni of WLH and will get free subscription of few most reputed endoscopic journal of the World including World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
  8. Post-training Continued education will be provided through the Member area of world Laparoscopy Hospital where participants can ask any query and post-training guidance.
  9. We make this three week integrated course easy to consume in as little time as possible. All the content is geared for beginners, look for ways to break it down into simple language and clear, visual steps with Hands On exercises. 
We accept most major credit and debit cards. You can also pay in cash. Additionally, we also support installments based on your selected course within the course period. If you want more details about our payment options, please go to this link given below:
Three Week Integrated Fellowship and Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery course being offered 12 times from the 1st of every month throughout the year. View our course calendar to see what courses are running next and availability of seats.

Each day begins with a light breakfast and registration at 8:30 a.m. Training officially starts at 9 a.m. and includes at least two breaks as well as lunch, served around noon. Everyday OT session, Classroom Lectures, and Lab Practicals will be conducted 8 hours. The trainer will wrap up class around 5 p.m. to leave time for questions and discussion. 
Integrated Fellowship and Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery program is the most popular program of World Laparoscopy Hospital, So, you should apply well in advance as soon as possible. While some programs operate on rolling admissions, others have specific deadline dates. Please refer to the program’s homepage, along with the Deadline Dates by Program reference sheet, for the most accurate information.
For general inquiries, you can send questions to support and we will get back to you within 24 hours on Mondays through Fridays, 9 am to 5 pm IST. Weekend and holiday inquiries may take longer to receive a reply.

While taking an Integrated Fellowship and Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery Course, you have access to your teaching team and can reach out to them on your course discussion boards or via direct message in the learning platform. We also encourage you to reach out to fellow learners to discuss ideas.

You may send an email directly to our Director at
If after taking laparoscopic training you do not start the practice of laparoscopic surgery you may forget some principles and suturing and knotting. You are welcome to register again and as Refresher Course in the future for 5 days if you like, You don't have to pay any course fee if you join the refresher course in the future.


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World Laparoscopy Hospital, Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR Delhi, 122002, India, Phone: 9811416838, 9811416832

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