Essentials of Laparoscopy by Dr R K Mishra

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Essentials of Laparoscopy

High quality laparoscopic video

Other Books of Prof. Mishra

  1. Textbook of Practical Laparoscopic Surgery
  2. Essentials of Laparoscopic Surgery
  3. Mastering the technique of Laparoscopic suturing and knotting

Essentials of Laparoscopy (Hard Cover, Black and White, 269 pages)

List Price :$50.00
Price :$50.00 + Courier Charges
Dimension :28cm X 22 cm weight 800 GM

Author: Professor RK Mishra, the book contain 22 Chapters, 269 Pages (All pages are coloured and plastic coated), 400 Illustrations, 2 DVDs with 24 Powerpoints and 106 Videos.

Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by All Media Publishers. Gift-wrap available

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About this book







The text of this book represents the current state of essentials of laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgeons today need to know the essence of laparoscopic principles. The author has devoted a chapter on the instrument design, laparoscopic anatomy of the importance of surgeon and gynaecologists, with good illustrative pictures, highlighting the important anatomical landmarks as seen in conventional surgery and in laparascopic surgery.

I found this book very well written by the expert Professor Mishra. It has high-quality illustrations, including clear sketches, drawings of the procedures themselves, and some anatomical considerations, that will be very helpful to surgeons and gynaecologists practicing endoscopy. This book will aid any surgeon who would like to practice laparoscopy, but it will not preclude attending special courses and hands-on experience in specialized units practicing laparoscopy. This book will be very useful to junior residents who are being trained in laparoscopy during their residency program. - Prof. K.K. Mathur

Each section of essentials of laparoscopy is written by an expert practical laparoscopic surgeon, and the chatty nature of the text reflects the personal expcriencc of writer. I find this method of writing quite instructive. The book is well illustrated with multiple diagrams and although it is always difficult to show operative techniques in diagrammatic form, this book manages clarity with simple clear line drawings. There arc a fcw photographs which are less than satisfactory, showing gynecological procedures but there is a series of pictures in the book that are black and white but high quality. I think this is a publication which is well suited to the postgraduate registrar in training for the MRCS or MRCOG examination and I would recommcnd it. -Willium W. Obote

Laparoscopic Surgery Training at World Laparoscopy Hospital

Laparoscopic Fellowship and Diploma Course at World Laparoscopy Hospital

Click here to see other books written by Prof. Mishra

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