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Combined D.MAS + F.MAS

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10 Questions You Need Answered

Print this page as a guide to make your comparison of us to any other internationally accredited institute recommended by your peers. We just want to make sure you get the right fit for you.

[Q1]  How long has the institution been emparting endoscopy training, Treatment and Research? 

(Answer) We are emparting Laparoscopic Skill since last 25 Years and we have trained more than 11000 surgeons from every corner of Globe So far ? 

[Q2]  Is Program Director of institution nationally and internationally recognized as a leader in the Minimal Access Surgery? and is he has Master degree in Minimal Access Surgery.

(Answer) Yes, and you will work with him in person in class, lab and O.T. Prof. Dr. R. K. Mishra is Professor and head of Minimal Access Surgery, School of Modern Medicine, TGO University. He has authored many Books, Hundreds of articles, Textbook chapters, Video albums, International courses and made thousands of live presentations before an international audience.

[Q3]  Is the training located in any government registered hospital or is it off site any hall arranged by some instrument company just for Hands On in Lab?

(Answer) Classes and Lab Hands On are small to ensure that we have the chance to identify your individual needs and prescribe individualized training methods. Though at least half of our Hands-On class time is dedicated to the lab, we keep the lab open 6 hours a day so you can access it after hours whenever you like for independent study. The place is yours; do with it whatever you like with proper care of instrument. And when our time together in class draws t a close, you’re going to have us at your fingertips for continuing answers and advice, forever, for free. Can you find that anywhere else?

[Q4]  Exactly how much of the class time is spent in SUPERVISED Hands-On instruction? Is the Lab open after hours for independent Hands-On practice? When and for how long?

(Answer) All hands-on classes dedicate approximately half of your total class time each day to supervised hands-on instruction in small groups. But that isn't all: at each location our secure Laparoscopic Lab is open 8 hours a day for your independent practice.

[Q5]  Are there any add-on free lab or materials like for C.Ds, Videos, Online help etc...? 

(Answer) None! Your tuition includes all course materials, Lab Hands On sessions, continental breakfast, lunch, and unlimited post training online supports are completely free. 

[Q6]  Is Refreshment and lunch included in my tuition fee? Is there any hidden cost?

(Answer) Of course free, plus everything else above worth 3000 USD is free for our participants.

[Q7]  After the training is over, can anyone contact the institute for free follow-up support, even if they didn't attend a class properly?

(Answer) Of course, and you can do it all. It doesn't matter if you've spent time in class with us or not; we're professionals supporting our fellow professionals.

[Q8] Is this training programme is influenced by any commercial body to promote there items like harmonic ligasure staplers etc...?

(Answer) We never allow any instrument company to influence our training program bacause it is university guidelines so that our training will not be influenced by manufacturer policies.

[Q9] Is this training programme is accredited by any government recognised University?

(Answer) Diploma or Fellowship Certificate in Minimal Access Surgery (Combined D.MAS + F.MAS) or (F.MAS) will be issued by Government Recognised University and World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons after successful completion of this course.

[Q10] Is this training programme is acredited internationally by endoscopic Organizations?

(Answer) All the Diploma and Fellowship Laparoscopic Courses are recognized university courses, endorsed by World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons and Fellowship Robotic Training is Recognized by Intuitive Surgical incorporation da Vinci® Surgical System, USA. Certificate is awarded by government recognised university.

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