Free Study Material of Worth 3000 USD Given to the Participants of Laparoscopic Training

Once you are selected for "Hands On" training at World Laparoscopy Hospital and you are preparing yourself and buying ticket to reach us, you will Get our "Interactive Mobile Application" to learn Laparoscopic surgery by watching hundreds of Laparoscopic Videos Lectures and thousands of live laparoscopic surgery videos online on your smartphone, so before you join the "Hands On" training a solid foundation in laparoscopy has already been developed inside you, which will help you to develop your skill faster.

World Laparoscopy Hospital Provide Free Study Material of Worth 3000 USD to its participant surgeon and gynecologists

Our interactive teaching and multimedia materials and workbooks bring a new dimension to laparoscopic learning. The materials we provide are for surgeons and gynecologists who participate in our "Hands on" training program to keep and to refer to whenever you wish. When your course laparoscopic training course starts, you'll receive course materials. The materials we provide are internationally renowned, and of the highest quality, and they include:

  1. Apart from soft copy of the study material which we give to every participating surgeon, we also give the user name of password of our member area to our participating surgeon so that they can download unlimited study material from secure member area of our web site.
  2. Member area of World Laparoscopy Hospital has thousands of high resolution laparoscopic video ready to download related to almost all the laparoscopic procedure done anywhere in the world
  3. Member area World Laparoscopy Hospital has more than hundreds of e-book of Laparoscopic Surgery
  4. Member area World Laparoscopy Hospital has hundreds of Laparoscopic Power Points ready to download
  5. World's One of the most advanced online prescription writing software for surgeons and gynecologist completely free
  6. World laparoscopy hospital website has Extended Validation SSL secured Dedicated SSD Server. We have our own DNS, and dedicated server in USA so that surgeon will get very fast unlimited download of video, power points, software and other study material.



These materials are yours to keep except for laparoscopic equipments which you may borrow from lab on loan. Surgeons and gynecologists will also get access to a course web site where additional resources will be available. Sometimes if you want there will be books you have to buy yourself or borrow from a local library. All the participants will get a study timetable that will help you plan your reading, activities and assignments, and all the doctors will get information about how and when your laparoscopic tutorials will take place, and when your examination will occur. You'll get the most benefit if you study actively, so it is good practice to treat printed course materials as workbooks: write notes on them, highlight sections, underline key points of laparoscopic surgery, make notes on the pages, add comments, ask questions. As part of your study at World Laparoscopy Hospital, you may need to spend time at a high speed internet and computer which we always provide to our doctors. Most students say that this is one of the highlights of their learning experience.

In summary the surgeon and gynecologists will not require to buy any book or any video in life once they take training at World Laparoscopy Hospital. We provide all the study material required to become a successful Laparoscopic Surgeon.

One of the biggest advantage of 4 Week Course over 2 Week is opportunity to get basic Hands on Robotic Training on Real da Vinci Robot


World Laparoscopy Hospital (INDIA-UAE-USA)
For Training: +919811416838
For Treatment: +919811912768
For General Enquiry: +91(0)124 - 2351555


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