Free Laparoscopic Surgery Camp at World Laparoscopy Hospital

"When I graduated from medical school, I took the Hippocratic oath and part of that oath is that you're supposed to take care of people regardless of their ability to pay," Dr. R. K. Mishra said. "Free Surgery done by World Laparoscopy Hospital is just sort of the fulfillment of that oath." People come from hundreds of miles away to Surgery at World Laparoscopy Hospital. They are not financially obligated to pay for anything. Private grants and donations fund the procedures by the effort of Dr. Mishra.

Doctors and nurses of World Laparoscopy Hospital perform just about any procedure that can be done in an outpatient facility by laparoscopy : removing gall bladders, Appendix, Hernia and even cancers.
"When you take care of a person that comes in World Laparoscopy Hospital, it's not an obligation; they're otherwise not going to be cared for" Dr. Mishra said. "You get a great deal of satisfaction because you know when taking care of that patient that you're their only hope."
Dr. Yogesh Kumar
Jun 16th, 2020 11:06 am
Great job sir. Thanks, sir for free treatment for poor people. God bless you, sir.
Dr. Allen
Jun 16th, 2020 11:25 am
Great dissection & demonstration of the Umbilical and Paraumbilical Hernia. I think every young surgeon and gynecologist must watch this video. This video will help to improve surgical skills.
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