Use of Mobile Phone to protect yourself from COVID 19
Apple and Google are developing and very soon will be distributing new software that will fill an urgent and vital need to track our movements and allow people to know whether they have come in close contact with someone who later tests positive for COVID-19. Govt of India has launched the Aarogya Setu mobile app to track the spread of coronavirus. Once installed on the smartphone, the app detects other nearby devices with AarogyaSetu installed. The app can then calculate the risk of infection based on sophisticated parameters if any of these contacts are tested positive. The App will help the Government take necessary timely steps for assessing the risk of the spread of COVID-19 infection and ensuring isolation where required.

The cellphones that most people carry in their pockets are the equivalent of what was called supercomputers just a few years ago, with more than 8 billion transistors in each new device. The nanotechnology that we hear about at medical science meetings is already present in these devices with sensors and micro-communications.
Apple and Google recently announced their joint effort to create a platform to allow health care authorities to track spread. From what I know from years of working on Apple devices and programs, that’s great news, because it can be implemented rapidly, rolled out and scaled quickly, and has the promise of filling the need for tracking and controlling spread—two things that are desperately needed to gain control over the virus. The system will work by using near-field Bluetooth radio signals in the Bluetooth low-energy beacon system that is found in all modern phones. This allows the computer chips in our phones to securely communicate with each other, and track and record the other phones (people) who have come within a few feet of us.
We, as a doctor, know that two things that are urgently needed to get COVID-19 under control: universal testing and universal tracking. Both of these seem like monumental tasks that might involve millions of medical and social workers to accomplish. The good news is that the technology is already available, and it’s very possible to assist in tracking.

The cellphones that most people carry in their pockets are the equivalent of what was called supercomputers just a few years ago, with more than 8 billion transistors in each new device. The nanotechnology that we hear about at medical science meetings is already present in these devices with sensors and micro-communications.
Apple and Google recently announced their joint effort to create a platform to allow health care authorities to track spread. From what I know from years of working on Apple devices and programs, that’s great news, because it can be implemented rapidly, rolled out and scaled quickly, and has the promise of filling the need for tracking and controlling spread—two things that are desperately needed to gain control over the virus. The system will work by using near-field Bluetooth radio signals in the Bluetooth low-energy beacon system that is found in all modern phones. This allows the computer chips in our phones to securely communicate with each other, and track and record the other phones (people) who have come within a few feet of us.
We, as a doctor, know that two things that are urgently needed to get COVID-19 under control: universal testing and universal tracking. Both of these seem like monumental tasks that might involve millions of medical and social workers to accomplish. The good news is that the technology is already available, and it’s very possible to assist in tracking.
Dr. Dharmendra Agrawal
May 19th, 2020 6:38 am
We are all spending a disproportionate amount of time trying to figure out how the world will be after this corona saga. As a surgeon, we can not maintain social distancing but the time will be hopefully over. Then one day, we will use the powerful mix of hindsight and nostalgia and weave that story. A story that will fit into events we choose to consider. We will all tell it to anyone who cares to listen.
May 21st, 2020 9:39 am
Such an excellent information about Use of Mobile Phone to protect yourself from COVID 19. Thanks for sharing this informative video.
Dr. Shailesh Tyagi
May 22nd, 2020 11:06 am
Great information about Use of Mobile Phone to protect yourself from COVID 19. This information is very important for people. Thanks for sharing.
Dr. Vivek Kulkarni
Jun 9th, 2020 3:19 am
Sir, thanks very much for the corona awareness. I appreciate your great work. Thanks.
Jun 9th, 2020 3:26 am
I am very happy after reading this article. Thanks for providing great information about covid-19.
Dr. Nikhil Jain
Jun 10th, 2020 7:02 am
Thank you very very much for Excellent video!. Thanks for sharing this video of Use of Mobile Phone to protect yourself from COVID 19.
Aug 26th, 2020 4:34 pm
Nowadays to fight with the virus also mobile phone is required.
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