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New da Vinci Xi Robot Takes Surgery to the Next Level
Urology / Apr 6th, 2021 12:23 pm     A+ | a-
Robotic surgery has already become the standard of care for prostate, urinary and gynecological cancer, and the technology is now changing the way general surgery is performed.  

Robotic technology advances minimally invasive surgery to the next level. It requires smaller incisions than traditional surgery, so there are less tissue dissection and less trauma to the body, as well as decreased blood loss. Patients have reduced swelling, which allows them to return to daily activities faster and with less pain. 

Davinci Xi

One of the biggest benefits of the da Vinci Xi is the access it gives general surgeons to the entire abdomen.  “We can treat multiple quadrants of the body, which allows us to do procedures we couldn’t do before,” says Dr. R.K. Mishra.

Robotic Technology has changed our lives in unprecedented ways over the last decade, and we are committed to investing in the latest advances that improve the lives of our patients,” says Dr. R.K. Mishra.  “The da Vinci Xi robot is an important new contribution to our expanding robotic surgery, which greatly benefits our Minimal Access Surgery community.”

Robotic surgery has already become the standard of care for General Surgery and Gynecological cancer, and the technology is now changing the way general surgery is performed.  Conditions ranging from colorectal cancer, diverticulitis, and hernia repair to colon resection and anti-reflux surgery are benefitting from the use of robotics. Even most bariatric surgery is being performed with robotic assistance.
Dr. Paramjeet Lamba
Apr 18th, 2021 9:47 am
Very Fabulous and informative video. God bless you and give you a long and healthy life. You are doing a noble work for doctors. Thanks for sharing this video of da Vinci Xi Robot Takes Surgery to the Next Level.
Dr. Rajendra Sahu
Apr 18th, 2021 9:50 am
Sir, You are a wonderful teacher, Your lectures and surgery video are very interesting and skillful. Thank you so much for making this topic so easy to understand. God Bless you. Thanks for posting da Vinci Xi Robot Takes Surgery to the Next Level.
Dr Samvedna
Jun 23rd, 2021 5:37 am
Great article New da Vinci Xi Robot Takes Surgery to the Next Level. This is a very informative article for doctors. I have benefited from this article.
Jun 23rd, 2021 5:40 am
Great article presentation of New da Vinci Xi Robot Takes Surgery to the Next Level. This is really a very nice article with lot of basic and detailed explanations..
Dr. K. Pillai
Aug 27th, 2021 7:31 am
Thanks for sharing such an amazing article, a really informative article of New da Vinci Xi Robot.
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