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Importance of Training in Laparoscopic Surgery
General Surgery / Nov 15th, 2012 8:50 pm     A+ | a-
Gone are the days when surgeons rely on their professional hands on skills when performing an operation. Today, technology has made it possible to perform surgical procedures with precision and full control. The laparoscopic surgery addresses surgeons’ imperfection through robotic assisted surgery, video cameras and highly advanced surgical instruments. Because of this,

there will be no need to make large incisions when performing invasive procedures. Hence, the patient can expect minimal discomfort postoperatively. With undersized incisions done, recovery can be achieved earlier than the traditional surgical procedure. Hence, there will be no need to stay long in the hospital postoperatively. Most importantly, the person can return to one’s daily routine early as if nothing has happened except for the small scars that one has acquired. 

How the Procedure Is Done?
However, none of these can be realized unless the surgeon has the needed skills to perform the laparoscopic procedure. Aside from the needed medical knowledge and skills, one has to be trained how to use these modern surgical tools. This is done by creating small incisions (about half an inch), enough to accommodate the video camera and thin surgical instruments. Ports made of plastic tubes will then be inserted to these incisions. This will serve as the pathway for small surgical instruments and camera needed during the procedure. The entire procedure will be done with the doctor viewing what’s inside the patient’s body through a monitor. Hence, this health practitioner must be familiar on how to do the operation using this technique.
Why Training Needed?
You can never be a good laparoscopic surgeon unless you have gone through the best exposure in doing this type of “minimal access surgery”. Hence the facility where you do your training counts a lot. Hence, you need to choose a hospital that has been practicing this type of surgery for many years. Of course, this training facility must be recognized both by medical universities as well as World Association of Laparoscopic surgeons. One must also choose a training center that is accredited internationally by the International Accreditation, USA. The surgeon must be trained in all the needed skills to perform robotic and laparoscopic operation. This can only be achieved through proper education, intensive research and the needed hospital exposure. For this reason, it is important that the hospital where one will be exposed is fully equipped with all the needed laparoscopic instruments.  Most of all, the hospital must be ISO certified and must also receive certification in standard of health care.
Laparoscopic surgery is surely a great medical breakthrough. And because there are some hospitals that offer this type of operation at affordable costs, there are an increasing numbers of people who are now seeking for this type of care. However, one can never take the full advantage of laparoscopic operation unless the surgeon is fully trained to perform such procedure. And this can be done by having the best exposure during one’s training years. And this is not just limited on one’s theoretical experience but including the actual hands on practice in laparoscopic surgery. 
Dr. K. Madhvan
Jul 1st, 2020 5:20 am
The course is extremely interesting and useful. The professor is excellent in conveying knowledge and inducing thought. Classes are very successful and interesting. I think this is the best course in my life.
Dr. Chanchala S.
Jul 1st, 2020 5:58 am
I think that this course is a very effective and first hands-on course in the world. There are various ways to learn the course, and freedom to practice when you have time.Thanks.
Dr. Kulkarni
Jul 3rd, 2020 5:41 am
Excellent course, This is my third training class - the quality of training I receive continues to be excellent. Thanks again for a great job. I'll be back.
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