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Mr Philip Anthes has sent his Testimonial from United State of America
WLH / Jan 8th, 2013 5:19 am     A+ | a-

Mr Philip Anthes was operated at World Laparoscopy Hospital in 29th of December 2012. He has sent his Testimonial from United State of America to World laparoscopy hospital and specially to Dr. Mishra. According to Philip Anthes when he came to see Tajmahal, India, his abdominal pain started getting stuff and he was afraid that it can turn very dangerous quickly. If his condition has lasted more than 48 hours and is accompanied by a fever, doctors were suspecting that he can develop strangulated hernia. He was advised by his family doctor to go for urgent hernia surgery.  I don't care if you have to go to whatever the "public" hospital is in your area to get free treatment "His general physician told, because he don't have health insurance, Dr. Srivastava his family general physician in India told get your butt there and tell them all your symptoms, the duration, and that you were traveling in India. This is probably something that can be reduced up quickly, but if you get seriously dehydrated it is NOT A GOOD THING for Surgery! And if you do have an infection, you do not want it getting out of control. 
So, Mr Philip immediately came to World Laparoscopy Hospital and Dr. R.K. Mishra and his team has performed laparoscopic hernia surgery for his. TAPP was perform and just next day Mr Philip was discharged from World Laparoscopy Hospital. His entire course of surgery and anaesthesia and postoperative recovery was very satisfactory.
After returning back to Texas he again went to see his family physician in Texas, Dr. Michael A. Barnard, MD. He was very happy with the outcome os the surgery. 
Mr. Philip Athes was so happy about the services of World Laparoscopy Hospital that he recorded his testimonial and sent it to us.
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