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Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy: A minimally invasive procedure to remove part of the sigmoid colon
General Surgery / May 16th, 2023 12:31 pm     A+ | a-

Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is used to remove part of the sigmoid colon. The sigmoid colon is the S-shaped portion of the colon that is located on the left side of the abdomen. Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is performed through small incisions in the abdomen, which allows for a quicker recovery time and less scarring than traditional open surgery.

Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is typically performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes four small incisions in the abdomen, one in the belly button and three others about 1/2 inch long. A laparoscope, a thin, tube-like instrument with a camera on the end, is inserted through the incision in the belly button. The laparoscope allows the surgeon to see inside the abdomen on a video monitor.

Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy: A minimally invasive procedure to remove part of the sigmoid colon

The surgeon then inserts other instruments through the other incisions to remove the affected portion of the sigmoid colon. The colon is then reconnected using surgical staples or sutures. The incisions are then closed with stitches or staples.

The recovery time for laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is typically shorter than for traditional open surgery. Patients may experience some pain and discomfort after surgery, but they can usually go home the same day or the day after surgery. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks.

Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of a variety of conditions, including:

  • Diverticulosis: Diverticulosis is a condition in which small pouches form in the lining of the colon. These pouches can become inflamed or infected, which can cause symptoms such as pain, constipation, and diarrhea.
  • Diverticulitis: Diverticulitis is a condition in which one or more of the diverticula become inflamed or infected. This can cause symptoms such as severe pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Colon cancer: Colon cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the colon. Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy can be used to remove a tumor or polyp in the sigmoid colon.

Here is a detailed step-by-step method of performing a laparoscopic sigmoidectomy:

  1. Preparation

The patient is given general anesthesia and placed in a supine position on the operating table. The abdomen is then prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.

  1. Incisions

Four small incisions are made in the abdomen, typically one in the belly button and three others about 1/2 inch long. A laparoscope, a thin, tube-like instrument with a camera on the end, is inserted through the incision in the belly button. The laparoscope allows the surgeon to see inside the abdomen on a video monitor.

  1. Access to the abdomen

The surgeon then inserts other instruments through the other incisions to create a working space in the abdomen. This is typically done by insufflation, which is the process of filling the abdomen with carbon dioxide gas.

  1. Identification of the affected portion of the colon

The surgeon then identifies the affected portion of the colon and makes an incision to expose it.

  1. Removal of the affected portion of the colon

The surgeon then removes the affected portion of the colon using a variety of methods, including morcellation (cutting it into small pieces) or enucleation (removing it intact).

  1. Reconnection of the colon

The surgeon then reconnects the colon using surgical staples or sutures.

  1. Closure of the incisions

Once the colon has been reconnected, the surgeon closes the incisions with stitches or staples.

  1. Postoperative care

The patient will typically stay in the hospital for one to two days after surgery. They will be given pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection.

Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks after laparoscopic sigmoidectomy. However, it is important to follow the surgeon's instructions carefully and to allow for a full recovery.

Here are some additional details about each step:


  • General anesthesia: General anesthesia is used to put the patient to sleep during the surgery.
  • Prep and drape: The abdomen is cleaned with an antiseptic solution and then covered with sterile drapes. This helps to prevent infection.


  • Four small incisions: Four small incisions are made in the abdomen, typically one in the belly button and three others about 1/2 inch long. The size and number of incisions may vary depending on the size and location of the affected portion of the colon.
  • Laparoscope: The laparoscope is a thin, tube-like instrument with a camera on the end. It is inserted through one of the incisions and allows the surgeon to see inside the abdomen on a video monitor.

Access to the abdomen

  • Insufflation: The abdomen is then filled with carbon dioxide gas to create a working space. This helps the surgeon to see and move around inside the abdomen.

Identification of the affected portion of the colon

The surgeon then identifies the affected portion of the colon and makes an incision to expose it.

Removal of the affected portion of the colon

The surgeon then removes the affected portion of the colon using a variety of methods, including:

  • Morcellation: The affected portion of the colon is cut into small pieces and removed through the small incisions. This is the most common method of removing the affected portion of the colon during a laparoscopic sigmoidectomy.
  • Enucleation: The affected portion of the colon is removed intact through the small incisions. This is a more difficult procedure, but it is often used for the affected portion of the colon that is located close to the rectum.

Reconnection of the colon

The surgeon then reconnects the colon using surgical staples or sutures. The surgeon may place a temporary colostomy bag to allow the colon to heal.

Closure of the incisions

Once the colon has been reconnected, the surgeon closes the incisions with stitches or staples.

Postoperative care

  • Pain medication: The patient will likely be given pain medication after surgery. Take the medication as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Incision care: The incisions will be covered with bandages. Keep the bandages clean and dry. You may shower as soon as the bandages are removed.
  • Activity: You can start walking around as soon as you feel comfortable. Avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least two weeks.
  • Diet: You can eat a regular diet after surgery. Avoid foods that are high in fiber, such as raw fruits and vegetables, for a few days. These foods can irritate your bowels.

If you are considering laparoscopic sigmoidectomy, talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of the procedure. Your doctor can help you decide if laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is the best treatment option for you.

Here are some of the benefits of laparoscopic sigmoidectomy:

  • Quicker recovery: Patients typically recover more quickly from laparoscopic sigmoidectomy than from open surgery. They may be able to go home the same day or the day after surgery, and they usually return to their normal activities within a few weeks.
  • Smaller scars: Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy leaves smaller scars than open surgery.
  • Less pain: Patients typically experience less pain after laparoscopic sigmoidectomy than after open surgery.
  • Less risk of complications: Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is associated with a lower risk of complications than open surgery.

Here are some of the risks of laparoscopic sigmoidectomy:

  • Infection: There is a small risk of infection after any surgery.
  • Bleeding: There is a small risk of bleeding after any surgery.
  • Damage to other organs: There is a small risk of damage to other organs during surgery.
  • Hernia: There is a small risk of developing a hernia at the incision site.

If you are considering laparoscopic sigmoidectomy, it is important to weigh the benefits and risks of the procedure with your doctor. Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy is a safe and effective procedure for many patients, but it is important to understand the risks before making a decision.

Here are some additional tips for a smooth recovery after laparoscopic sigmoidectomy:

  • Get plenty of rest. This will help your body heal and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. This will help prevent dehydration and constipation.
  • Eat a healthy diet. This will help your body heal and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Take your pain medication as prescribed. This will help you feel more comfortable and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Monitor your incisions for signs of infection. If you notice any redness, swelling, or drainage, contact your doctor immediately.
  • Follow your doctor's instructions carefully. This will help ensure a smooth recovery.

Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks after laparoscopic sigmoidectomy. However, it is important to follow the surgeon's instructions carefully and to allow for a full recovery.

Sarvhit Gastrocity
Sep 26th, 2023 9:56 am
Your laparoscopic surgery blog has been instrumental in expanding my knowledge about this advanced surgical technique. I am deeply grateful for your meticulous research and clear explanations. Your blog has not only educated me but also eased my concerns about laparoscopic surgery. Your commitment to sharing this information is commendable.

Dr. Ruby Thakur
Nov 3rd, 2023 9:32 am
I read your blog on Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy, and I must say it's truly impressive! Your clear and concise explanation of this minimally invasive procedure is both informative and engaging. You've managed to demystify a complex medical topic, making it accessible to a wider audience. Your writing style and the way you break down the procedure are commendable. Keep up the excellent work in educating others about important medical advancements.
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