Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

Can I pay the fee in Indian Rupees
Discussion in 'Robotic Training' started by Dr Kim Jong - Oct 6th, 2015 8:32 am.
Dr Kim Jong
Dr Kim Jong
I am Kim Jong coming for da Vinci Robotic Surgery as well as Fellowship and Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery training from France. My question is can I pay the fee in Indian currency after joining the course.
re: Can I pay the fee in Indian Rupees by Ranjan Kumar - Oct 6th, 2015 8:41 am
Ranjan Kumar
Ranjan Kumar
Dear Dr Kim Jong

You can pay the fee in Indian currency but it should be equivalent to USD rate of that day and as you are a French surgeon your fee will be applicable to overseas candidate.

Fee for Integrated D.MAS + F. MAS. (Combined Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery and Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery) 7,000 USD for Overseas and NRI Candidate and 2,20,000 Rupees for Indian. Fee for FICRS (Fellowship of International College of Robotic Surgeons) is 5,000 US Dollar for Overseas and NRI Candidate and 175,000 Rupees for Indians.

You can pay your fee in equivalent Indian rupees.

With regard

re: Can I pay the fee in Indian Rupees by Dr J S Chowhan - Oct 6th, 2015 8:44 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Dr Jong

There are two categories of doctors who are enrolled for laparoscopic, endoscopic or robotic training:
Category (A) International Candidates:

International Candidates includes the following:

Foreign Candidates: Doctors holding passports issued by foreign countries. 50% of seats are reserved for overseas candidate.
Non Resident Indians (NRI): Doctors of Indian origin who are presently working or residing in foreign country.
Category (B) Indian Candidates:

Students who are Indian Nationals and are residing in India for the past 3 years are ONLY qualified for the payment of subsidized tuition fees and will have to sign an affidavit to this effect that they are serving in India.

re: Can I pay the fee in Indian Rupees by Dr Rahma - Aug 7th, 2016 10:52 am
Dr Rahma
Dr Rahma
Where can we convert our currency to pay for the course. Can I use my VISA card to pay for course fee and accommodation.
re: Can I pay the fee in Indian Rupees by Dr. Laurel Haden - Sep 11th, 2016 1:21 am
Dr. Laurel Haden
Dr. Laurel Haden
Can i pay in american dollars? It will be difficult for me to arrange Indian currency.
re: Can I pay the fee in Indian Rupees by Dr J S Chowhan - Oct 5th, 2016 9:51 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
You can pay in any currency you want, It is up to you but it should be equivalent to to the course fee.
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