Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

Hands On training over Davinci Surgical Robot
Discussion in 'Robotic Training' started by Dr. Christina - Dec 16th, 2020 6:00 am.
Dr. Christina
Dr. Christina
Hi Sir!

I am practicing laparoscopic surgery for the last 10 years. I am a gynecologist from Istambul, Turkey. I am interested in your da Vinci robotic surgery training at World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurugram, India. My question is that will I get the opportunity to sit on a real da Vinci surgical Consol or it is just a simulator-based surgery.
re: Hands On training over Davinci Surgical Robot by Dr. Rahul Pandey - May 29th, 2021 6:09 am
Dr. Rahul Pandey
Dr. Rahul Pandey
Hi Madam

Robotic surgery has exponentially increased over the last decade. there were more than 650,000 procedures performed all over the world. More and more surgeon and gynecologists nowadays want to learn robotic surgery.

In any robotic surgery training institute, robotic surgical training must be based on demonstration of proficiency and safety in executing basic robotic skills and procedural tasks prior to independent practice.

During the Robotic surgery training course of the World Laparoscopy Hospital, You are allowed to fork on a real da Vinci surgical robot. You will learn all the essential robotic surgical skills including, dissection techniques, tissue approximation techniques. Robotic suturing and knotting.

You will also do yourself docking and undocking of the surgical robot which is very important. You will also attend all the important surgical procedures lectures necessary to become a successful robotic surgeon.
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