Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

Can I get help in Spanish during Hands On Training in WLH US institute?
Discussion in 'Laparoscopic Training' started by Dr David Beckham - Feb 12th, 2021 5:47 am.
Dr David Beckham
Dr David Beckham

My mother language is Spanish. I want to take your laparoscopic training in the USA. I am poor in English. I wonder Can I get instruction in Spanish if I Join the laparoscopic training.

With regards

David Salomon
re: Can I get help in Spanish during Hands On Training in WLH US institute? by Dr. Rahul Pandey - May 29th, 2021 5:54 am
Dr. Rahul Pandey
Dr. Rahul Pandey
Hi Dr. David

We have an instructor who will explain things in Spanish during the course. The Assistant Course director of this course is Dr. Salomon Corral who will take special care of the Surgeons and Gynecologist who know only Spanish.

Please don't hesitate if you have any other questions regarding World Laparoscopy Training Institute USA.

Hola Dr. David

Contamos con un instructor que explicará las cosas en español durante el curso. El subdirector del curso de este curso es el Dr. Salomon Corral quien se encargará especialmente de los Cirujanos y Ginecólogos que solo saben español.

No dude si tiene alguna otra pregunta sobre el Instituto Mundial de Capacitación en Laparoscopia de EE. UU.

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