Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

Will next training course of USA will be as scheduled?
Discussion in 'Laparoscopic Training' started by Dr. Gerard Smith - Apr 25th, 2020 12:53 pm.
Dr. Gerard Smith
Dr. Gerard Smith
Dear Sir,

I have registered for the May 2020 Batch of Laparoscopic Training at World Laparoscopy Training Institute USA. My question is that due to CORONA Pandemic this course will be postponed or will be as scheduled.

Waiting for your reply

Dr. Gerard Smith
re: Will next training course of USA will be as scheduled? by Dr. R.K. Mishra - Apr 25th, 2020 12:59 pm
Dr. R.K. Mishra
Dr. R.K. Mishra
Dear Dr. Gerard Smith

The World Laparoscopy Training Institute, USA Secretariat will continue to monitor all developments related to COVID-19 and the following advice provided by the World Health Organization and the USA Government. Rescheduling of the May 2020 Course will be announced in good time for delegates to make appropriate arrangements. Further updates about upcoming meetings will be provided in due course.

With Regard

Dr. R.K. Mishra
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