Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

What do you think about laparoscopic training box ?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr. Shimran Arora - Apr 23rd, 2020 10:15 am.
Dr. Shimran Arora
Dr. Shimran Arora
Dear Sir,

I want your opinion what do you think about the laparoscopic training box? Do you believe it is useful during learning advanced laparoscopic skills? During the learning curve of laparoscopic skills such as anastomosis and intracorporeal suturing surgeon can use a laparoscopic training box. Do you believe it is useful?

Dr. Shimran Arora
re: What do you think about laparoscopic training box ? by Dr. Rahul Pandey - Apr 23rd, 2020 10:22 am
Dr. Rahul Pandey
Dr. Rahul Pandey
There is no doubt that laparoscopic simulation box training introduces and improves skills. Doing a course in a specialized center like World Laparoscopy Hospital is fine but the skills are lost within a few weeks. Better to have a boxing trainer that the trainee can bring home and play "skills' with it on a regular basis. We have such a trainer tested by interns who competed with each other in completing validated skills. We intend to introduce medical students to laparoscopic skills as part of their surgical training. The surgeons enjoy doing it as fun, the best way to learn. So, play a lot and when you can manage knots and suture, please move to the patient under strict and active tutoring. I don't think that a big expense could guarantee a good surgeon!
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