Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

How do you conduct surgeries in these COVID 19 seasons.
Discussion in 'Laparoscopic Training' started by Dr. Simmi Agrawal - Apr 23rd, 2020 6:32 am.
Dr. Simmi Agrawal
Dr. Simmi Agrawal
Dear Sir,

I want to know how do you conduct laparoscopic surgery and protect your surgeons and gynecologist from COVID 19. Is it not dangerous to perform laparoscopic surgery in this CORONA Pandemic.

Dr. Simmi Agrawal
Baroda, Gujrat
re: How do you conduct surgeries in these COVID 19 seasons. by Dr. Rahul Pandey - Apr 23rd, 2020 6:34 am
Dr. Rahul Pandey
Dr. Rahul Pandey
At World Laparoscopy Hospital we are performing laparoscopic and robotic surgery. However, we are limiting our surgery for essential surgeries. For a patient with Co-morbidity who can wait we advise them to wait. We also do thermal scanning for every patient who comes to our OPD. We also provide PPE to all our staff. Laparoscopic surgery remains the preferred approach for gynecologic patients during the COVID-19 pandemic for most of the surgical and gynecological indications. The theoretical risk of the CORONA virus from an abdominal source at the time of laparoscopic surgery has not been substantiated. There is no current evidence that infection via laparoscopic surgery. However, it is prudent to take precautions in the operating room given that viral particles can be aerosolized during intubation and extubation.

It is believed that laparoscopic surgery offers the opportunity for better containment and filtration of the CO2 compared with laparotomy and continues to offer vastly more benefits, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and when precious PPE and hospital resources as well as minimizing viral exposure risks are so critical to mitigating this public health crisis.

it is imprudent, and even dangerous, to blindly abandon tried-and-true, safe surgical practices during a viral pandemic. Laparoscopy, when clinically appropriate, achieves the goal of optimizing patient care and outcomes, while minimizing risk to the surgical and perioperative teams.
re: How do you conduct surgeries in these COVID 19 seasons. by Dr. Sara - Apr 29th, 2020 4:31 am
Dr. Sara
Dr. Sara
If more than one patient is scheduled to be at the facility at the same time, ensure that to prevent Covid 19 the facility provides adequate space to ensure the appropriate social distancing recommendation between patients.
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