Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

Do you have refresher Course in minimally invasive surgery?
Discussion in 'Laparoscopic Training' started by Dr Seema Garhwal - Sep 15th, 2015 8:58 am.
Dr Seema Garhwal
Dr Seema Garhwal
Dear Dr. Mishra,
I am Dr Seema Garhwal from Dehradun. I am a gynecologists and I have taken fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery in June 2014 but unfortunately I was away from active practice so after training I could not apply my skill to perform laparoscopic surgery on my patients. Now when I have started I forgot many of the knots which you have taught us. I want to request you to please update my information. I have checked the member area of World Laparoscopy Hospital. Although all the videos are there but I want your guide to refresh my skill.
re: Do you have refresher Course in minimally invasive surgery? by Dr R K Mishra - Sep 15th, 2015 9:09 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Dr Seema

We have regular refresher laparoscopic training course completely free for our alumni. The refresher laparoscopic training program will include lectures, discussion with speaker panels, workshops, video presentations, didactic session, Hands on Lab training and we take questions from the audience by using interactive touch-pads.

The surgeons and gynecologists who has taken training at World Laparoscopy Hospital and due to any reason they forgot some of the advanced techniques, they are encouraged to take this free laparoscopic refresher course. You have to send just one email and we will assign a slot for you.

Current and future perspectives in minimally invasive surgery
Surgical management of diseases related to laparoscopic Tips and Tricks.
Update on diagnostic and staging techniques in the gynecological cancer
Opportunity to submit your challenging cases for review during the interactive small group sessions.

re: Do you have refresher Course in minimally invasive surgery? by Dr J S Chowhan - Sep 15th, 2015 9:17 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
This 5 days intensive and practical course looking at day to day complication in Minimal Access Surgery. You will look at complicated cases in OT, suturing, dissection lesions, and much more. Throughout the five days you will use our lab during the many practical sessions.
re: Do you have refresher Course in minimally invasive surgery? by Dr Rahma - Aug 7th, 2016 7:08 am
Dr Rahma
Dr Rahma
I dont think that once we start doing surgery it is needed. But of-course this is a great facility World Laparoscopy Hospital provides by giving opportunity to the surgeon and gynecologist to refresh their knowledge.
re: Do you have refresher Course in minimally invasive surgery? by Jasmin - Sep 4th, 2016 2:54 am
Even i wanted refresher course, please do the needful.
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