Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

Can I request to reduce the fee of laparoscopic training
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by D. R. Maciver - Oct 31st, 2015 12:56 pm.
D. R. Maciver
D. R. Maciver
I an a new graduate and in my opinion the fee is little high for me. I want to learn fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery. I have received a very nice and positive feedback from my friends. I am sure that after taking laparoscopic training from World Laparoscopy Hospital I will achieve my goal. Excellence in minimal access surgery is an art won by training and habituation under supervision of an expert laparoscopic surgeon like Dr R K Mishra. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a skill imparted by an expert.
re: Can I request to reduce the fee of laparoscopic training by Dr J S Chowhan - Oct 31st, 2015 1:18 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Dr Maciver

Unfortunately as our policy we can not do any decrease in the fee as it is decided by University and WALS. World Laparoscopy Hospital is World's most popular institute of laparoscopic and robotic surgery training where more that 7000 surgeons and gynecologists has been trained from more that 120 countries now. The fee of our laparoscopic surgery training is very less compare to quality of Hands on Training we offer. World Association of laparoscopic surgeon's survey has found that physicians whose residencies were in middle east Europe and America regions spent 59% more on average than their peers who had trained in World Laparoscopy Hospital.

If you will compare the laparoscopic surgery training provided in France or Germany or anywhere in USA they charge 4500 Euro or 8000 USD for only 5 days training. In that comparison the fee of laparoscopic surgery training is very less. World Laparoscopy Hospital is the only institute in the World which gives free exposure of High definition four arm da Vinci surgical Robot to the surgeon, gynecologists, urologists and pediatric surgeon who join the four week Fellowship and Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery course. There is no institute in the world who gives hands on robotic training to the candidates who come for laparoscopy but we know that a trainees should learn everything from veress needle to da Vinci HD robotic surgery.

Once you are selected for "Hands On" training at World Laparoscopy Hospital and you are preparing yourself and buying ticket to reach us, you will Get our "Interactive Mobile Application" to learn Laparoscopic surgery by watching hundreds of Laparoscopic Videos Lectures and thousands of live laparoscopic surgery videos online on your smartphone, so before you join the "Hands On" training a solid foundation in laparoscopy has already been developed inside you, which will help you to develop your skill faster.

re: Can I request to reduce the fee of laparoscopic training by Dr R K Mishra - Oct 31st, 2015 1:30 pm
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Dr Maciver

There is no comparison of quality of laparoscopic surgery training given by World Laparoscopy Hospital with any other institute of the World. You can just imagine not only we provide complete Hands on training but surgeon and gynecologists will not require to buy any book or any video in life once they take training at World Laparoscopy Hospital. We provide all the study material required to become a successful Laparoscopic Surgeon completely free of cost.
re: Can I request to reduce the fee of laparoscopic training by Dr Simran - Apr 21st, 2016 11:54 am
Dr Simran
Dr Simran
In my opinion World Laparoscopy Hospital's Training is most economical training for the quality of training and study material they provide.
re: Can I request to reduce the fee of laparoscopic training by Dr. Pankaj - Sep 4th, 2016 3:18 am
Dr. Pankaj
Dr. Pankaj
I think the course fee is very genuine for the quality and amount to information this institute gives.
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