Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

ERCP training is covered in upper GI and Lower GI training or not?
Discussion in 'Endoscopic Training' started by Dr. Rohit Batra - Sep 17th, 2015 8:22 am.
Dr. Rohit Batra
Dr. Rohit Batra
I am enrolled for Upper and Lower GI endoscopic training of World Laparoscopy Hospital which starts from 24th of the month. My question is that will I get some exposure of advanced endoscopic training and ERCP training is covered in upper GI and Lower GI training or not?
re: ERCP training is covered in upper GI and Lower GI training or not? by Dr J S Chowhan - Sep 17th, 2015 8:40 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan

ERCP part is there in our training program. Our main faculty of Endoscopic training is Dr. Arvind Kumar Khurana , MBBS, MD (Medicine), DNB (Medicine), DM (Gastroenterology), FRCP. Dr. Arvind Kumar Khurana is a Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist and head department gastroenterology and he is one of the best gastroenterologist in India and he will perform and show you many advanced techniques of endoscopy on real patients. But we are sorry to say you will not do yourself independently on our patients. This is a 4-day course for trainees wishing to improve their skills in endoscopy. This is an intensive, interactive, practical course covering the theoretical basis of performing a safe endoscopy and safe and effective peri-endoscopy management. The course includes a series of small group and one-to-one teaching sessions, videos, hands-on model work and supervised endoscopy.
re: ERCP training is covered in upper GI and Lower GI training or not? by Dr Mustafa - Sep 18th, 2015 1:13 am
Dr Mustafa
Dr Mustafa
In my opinion before doing ERCP surgeon should must have good experience fist to do Upper GI endoscopy. ERCO is an invasive procedure and surgeon should have good skill to do that
re: ERCP training is covered in upper GI and Lower GI training or not? by Dr Mustafa - Sep 18th, 2015 1:13 am
Dr Mustafa
Dr Mustafa
In my opinion before doing ERCP surgeon should must have good experience fist to do Upper GI endoscopy. ERCP is an invasive procedure and surgeon should have good skill to do that
re: ERCP training is covered in upper GI and Lower GI training or not? by Ranjan Kumar - Sep 20th, 2015 12:18 am
Ranjan Kumar
Ranjan Kumar
In ERCP Basic Cannulation, Stricture Management, Endoscopic CBD Stone Management and Complications Management is covered in this course but main focus is on upper GI diagnostic endoscopy.
re: ERCP training is covered in upper GI and Lower GI training or not? by Dr. Claude Dwight - Sep 7th, 2016 8:07 am
Dr. Claude Dwight
Dr. Claude Dwight
I wanted to ask when does Upper and Lower GI training is conducted in your institute. When can i join?
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