Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

What will happen if I fail Exam?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Rahul Rajak - Jun 19th, 2016 2:34 am.
Dr Rahul Rajak
Dr Rahul Rajak

I came to know that there is an exam at the end of the course. What will happen if I fail the exam of Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery. Will I get certificate if I could not clear the exam.
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr R K Mishra - Jun 19th, 2016 3:04 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Dr Rajak

After successful completion of laparoscopic and robotic surgery training at World Laparoscopy Hospital the surgeons and gynecologist has to appear in MCQ exam conducted by World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons in order to get Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery. In this exam multiple choice questions will be asked from the topics which already been taught during the course. Questions will be asked also from the clinical experience which you have gathered during your stay at World Laparoscopy Hospital.

The fail rate for the Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery is only 2 to 3% (very low for a certifying exam). We have two exam of half an hour duration each. First exam will be on 7th of every month and second on 12th of every month. If you fail one or both parts, you just take it again. You have an eligibility window of 5 years from the date of the WALS declaring you eligible. You can work as an attending as long as you are eligible.

If someone still cannot pass and their eligibility expires, then they can apply for an extension of their further free refresher course conducted at World Laparoscopy Hospital based on practice experience. I believe everyone pretty much passes eventually once they have shown little sincerity while taking Hands On training at World Laparoscopy Hospital. It is not necessary to get panicked by the phobia of Fellowship exam.

The doctors who are enrolled for Fellowship and Diploma integrated course they have to clear one OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Exam on 25th of the month). This is a clinical exam in which they have to demonstrate different type of extracorporeal and intracorporeal knots in front of faculty in lab. The timing of this OSCE exam is recorded and best performer of this exam is awarded as TOP GUN of the batch.

Even from Fellowship of Minimal Access Surgery one Topper from the surgeon and one Topper from Gynecologist will be given merit certificate and prize and momento during the convocation of Fellowship. Convocation of Fellowship in Minimal Access surgery is being celebrated every month on 14th at 2:30pm at conference hall of pacific hotel and convocation of Diploma is there every month on 28th of the month.

While the pressure to perform can act as a motivator, it can also be devastating to individuals who tie their self-worth to the outcome of these fellowship and Diploma exam.

Dr R K Mishra
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr Ogachiblu - Jul 27th, 2016 2:42 am
Dr Ogachiblu
Dr Ogachiblu
Work hard to pass the exam. If you fail an examination at World Laparoscopy Hospital they wont give you the certificate, it means you have not yet master the subject. With diligent study and understanding, you will succeed in passing the exams.
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr Simran Rastogi - Aug 7th, 2016 5:31 am
Dr Simran Rastogi
Dr Simran Rastogi
To be better equipped for the MCQ tests that the WLHwill bring — read textbook of practical laparoscopic surgery written by Dr R K Mishra. To prepare for the tests you can practice the quizzes of World Laparoscopy Hospital. https://www.laparoscopyhospita
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr Rahma - Aug 7th, 2016 6:40 am
Dr Rahma
Dr Rahma
Question in exam will be asked from general surgery or only laparoscopic surgery? Will it be sufficient to read only the textbook or question will be from practical clinical skill of Minimal Access Surgery?
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr Mehrunisha - Aug 7th, 2016 10:03 am
Dr Mehrunisha
Dr Mehrunisha
If someone fail the exam will it possible to give exam again or he will never get a certificate of Minimal access surgery?
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr Deepak Jain - Aug 7th, 2016 11:13 am
Dr Deepak Jain
Dr Deepak Jain
I don't know as much as that other guy have this fear, I have no right to say anything on the topic but I am afraid of this exam. Oh.. again one more exam..
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr R K Mishra - Aug 13th, 2016 8:38 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Our method of teaching is so practical that it is not possible to fail in exam of fellowship or diploma of minimal access surgery unless you are completely ignoring the practical Hands On training part. Thats why we have made it mandatory to have 100% attendance. Most of the questions will be asked from practical day to day problems and complications of laparoscopy and its management so I don't think any average student will fail. However, your aim should be to become a topper because one topper from surgeon and one topper from gynecologist will get a special merit certificate and trophy.
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr. Sean Grey - Sep 21st, 2016 6:33 am
Dr. Sean Grey
Dr. Sean Grey
How many attempt will i be getting to clear exam?
re: What will happen if I fail Exam? by Dr. Nina Hill - Sep 21st, 2016 6:36 am
Dr. Nina Hill
Dr. Nina Hill
Do i need to clear any entrance test for getting into WLH.
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