Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

Can we learn Hysteroscopy during laparoscopic training
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Barkha Kaur - May 22nd, 2016 12:50 pm.
Dr Barkha Kaur
Dr Barkha Kaur
I am planning to join the 4 week integrated Fellowship and Diploma course at World Laparoscopy Hospital in July 2016. My question is that can I learn diagnostic and operative Hysteroscopy during this 4 week and what are the hysteroscopic procedures covered during this laparoscopic training of 4 week. Another question is that will we be able to learn colonoscopy also. Actually I am more interested in Hysteroscopy because I want to make my carrier in infertility. In laparoscopy I am only interested in basic procedures like tubal latency test, ovarian cystectomt, myomectomy and endometriosis surgery but my main focus is to learn advanced hysteroscopic procedure so that at least I can perform hysteroscopic myomectomy and hysteroscopic metroplasty.
re: Can we learn Hysteroscopy during laparoscopic training by Dr J. S Chowhan - May 23rd, 2016 12:46 am
Dr J. S Chowhan
Dr J. S Chowhan

Dr. Barkha,

I am Dr. J. S. Chowhan (Senior Consultant Laparoscopic Surgeon) and one of the faculty of your course at World Laparoscopy Hospital and I am assistant of Dr. R.K. Mishra. World Laparoscopy Hospital is only institute in the World which discuss Veress needle to da Vinci Robot. We don't have the fractured incoherent training like other where hundreds of faculty is listed in their panel and every course has some new faculty, who drop and vanish after delivering only one lecture in courses. They dont have any idea what basics student know and what they are suppose to do after. There is no fix faculty and most of the courses are fractured courses due to different background and teaching experience of faculty in different course. You will definitely learn Hysteroscopy in 4 week time. Hysteroscopic TCRE, Metroplasty, Myomectomy, Polypectomy and management of hysteroscopic Asherman syndrome will be covered. At World Laparoscopy Hospital satisfaction of the trainee doctor is our aim and you can ask any of our 7000 students about us.

Prof. Mishra at World Laparoscopy has dedicated his 20 year of life to train doctors from almost all countries of the world. There is hardly any country left from where student has not come to World Laparoscopy Hospital and he is the main faculty who will train you.

All the procedure which you have mentioned will be taught during the course of four week. During the course you will perform these procedure under the supervision of our faculty in the Lab and at the end of the course you have to clear one OSCE exam where you will demonstrate your skill for evaluation and you may be topper of the batch too.
re: Can we learn Hysteroscopy during laparoscopic training by Dr Pamela - Aug 7th, 2016 5:19 am
Dr Pamela
Dr Pamela
I have got Hands On training of diagnostic hysteroscopy in Fellowship and now slowly stated doing operative laparoscopy my own. Once you will learn fundamentals of Hysteroscopy then it will help you a lot.
re: Can we learn Hysteroscopy during laparoscopic training by Dr Rahma - Aug 7th, 2016 7:17 am
Dr Rahma
Dr Rahma
Will I get chance to participate in hysteroscopic procedures in OR with your consultant gynecologists?
re: Can we learn Hysteroscopy during laparoscopic training by Dr R K Mishra - Aug 13th, 2016 8:51 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
You will learn hysteroscopy on specially designed digital simulator where even you will be able to resct the tissue using resectoscope. You will also wet lab training of operative hysteroscopy but on patient it will be only demonstrated. You can not operate independently on our patients.
re: Can we learn Hysteroscopy during laparoscopic training by Vidhushi - Sep 4th, 2016 2:59 am
Everything is included in the course. I got a really good training here. I can perform on my own now in a while. Thank you.
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