Training and Admission Doctor's Discussion

Publication of article which I will write during D.MAS
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Nikhil Saxena - Aug 28th, 2016 8:24 am.
Dr Nikhil Saxena
Dr Nikhil Saxena
I Came to know that I have to write a project for the complication of Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery. I want to know can I get my article published in World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery. This is very important for my promotion as I am assistant professor in Medical College. I also want to know the indexing status of this journal. I have already one article written during research in senior residency will this article written before will be considered as project of Diploma
re: Publication of article which I will write during D.MAS by Dr R K Mishra - Aug 28th, 2016 9:36 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Dr Saxena

After periodical assessment of the course and submission of project, the candidate will get Combined Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery and Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (Combined D.MAS + F.MAS). World Laparoscopy Hospital will help in publishing the project in leading Journals of the World during the period of training including World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery.

Writing a review article is easy in this short period of time and it is one of the most important skills for you to acquire during your training at WLH, whether you are in academics or clinical practice. Yet this skill is often overlooked in medical graduate training. We will help you to complete your project.

World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgeryis a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed medical journal publishing articles in the field of minimal access surgery. This journal would be published on triannual basis (January, May and September) by the World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons. World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery encourages submissions from the authors throughout the world. It is index journal with IndexCopernicus Value: 5.20.

50% of our student get their publication approved and they get proper credit of publication.
The World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery accepts nine types of articles which include the following:
(1) Research Articles, (2) Letters to the Editor,
(3) Notes, (4) Comments, (5) Review Articles,
(6) Lecture Notes, (7) Monographs, (8) Innovations
and (9) Selected conference articles.

To know about the journal please log on to:
re: Publication of article which I will write during D.MAS by Dr Puni Alkata - Aug 29th, 2016 12:59 am
Dr Puni Alkata
Dr Puni Alkata
Is it necessary for everyone to write a project for D.MAS
re: Publication of article which I will write during D.MAS by Dr J S Chowhan - Sep 6th, 2016 12:01 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Everyone has to write an review article as a part of the fulfillment of the project of Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery. To learn about detail of the article format and how to write an article for your project which can be published please log on to:

To know the detail about the indexing information of World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery please log on to

To know about the Editorial Board of World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery please log on to:
re: Publication of article which I will write during D.MAS by Dr Helena - Sep 7th, 2016 6:26 am
Dr Helena
Dr Helena
Will somebody from hospital will help me write my from project of Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery?
re: Publication of article which I will write during D.MAS by Dr J S Chowhan - Sep 12th, 2016 7:43 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Dr Helena

You should not be anxious about the project. We have dedicated team of resident doctors who will help you to write your project.

With regard

Dr J S Chowhan
Associate Director
World Laparoscopy Hospital
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