Toppers of World Laparoscopy Hospital

Dr. Medhat M. Ibrahim

Dr. Medhat M. Ibrahim

Jun 1st, 2012 - Jun 14th, 2012

Biography: Qualifications;

M.D, (PhD,) surgery (pediatric surgery); from Al‐Azhar University,
Faculty of medicine, Egypt, Cairo (2003).

To be allowed to pass this post‐graduate degree, I had elaborated and discussed a thesis: (comparative study between modified Duhamel”s operation and modified Soaves operation in management of hirschsprunges disease in children).
M.S, surgery (pediatric surgery); from Al‐Azhar University, Faculty of medicine, Egypt, Cairo (1997).
To be allowed to pass this post‐graduate degree, I had elaborated and discussed a thesis (laparoscopic management of emergent abdominal conditions in children).
Also, I had pass TOIFEL exam in English language.
MB.B.Ch,; from Al Azhar University, Faculty of medicine, Egypt, Cairo (1992).
Professional Graduation;
June 2009‐present;
Assistant professor of general and pediatric surgery (associate): Al Azhar University, Faculty of medicine, Egypt, Cairo.
5 years post (PhD,) pediatric surgery.

I had elaborated and discussed an essay; (short gut syndrome in pediatric).
I had did (8) research work which had been publicized and discussed.
Also, attend continuous education provider course and passed the post course exam.
I am teaching surgery for under‐graduate and post‐graduate surgery.
I am teaching surgery for nurses.
I am an examiner of under graduate and post‐graduate surgery.
I am Supervisor of essay and thesis work in surgery.
I was teaching pediatric and general surgery for under and post graduate student.
Also was supervising the research works of the (MS & PhD) degree studies.
I was an examiner in under and post graduate degree.

Do pediatric surgery clinic, admitting patients, do clinical round and surgery.
October 2003 June 2009.

Lecturer of general and pediatric surgery: Al Azhar University, Faculty of medicine, Egypt, Cairo.
June 1998 october 2003

Assistant lecturer of general and pediatric surgery; Al Azhar University, Faculty of medicine, Egypt, Cairo.
March 1994 june 1997.

Resident of general and pediatric surgery; Al Azhar University, Faculty of medicine, Egypt, Cairo.
March 1993 February1994.

House officer; Al Azhar University, Faculty of medicine, Egypt, Cairo.


Full Registration; Egyptian Medical syndicate (115773)
Senior registrar of general and pediatric surgery (1997)
Consultant of general surgery (2003)
Consultant of pediatric surgery (2005)
Saudi commission for health specialties (08‐J‐M‐0216367)
Consultant pediatric surgery (2003)


Egyptian pediatric surgery association.
Egyptian General Surgery Society.
Egyptian T.P.N Society.
Saudi General Surgery Society.
Saudi Scientific Association of pediatric surgery.


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