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Advanced Approaches in Rectovaginal Fistula and Fecal Incontinence Management by Steven D. Wexner
For Surgeon / Jul 20th, 2024 3:42 pm     A+ | a-

Management of Rectovaginal Fistula with Fecal Incontinence

By Steven D. Wexner -


Rectovaginal fistulas (RVFs) are strange associations between the rectum and vagina, prompting the section of gas or excrement through the vagina. This condition frequently brings about critical pain and social shame for impacted ladies. Intensifying this issue, waste incontinence — a failure to control solid discharges — further fuels the physical and profound weight of RVFs. As a main colorectal specialist, Dr. Steven D. Wexner has made huge commitments to the comprehension and the executives of this complicated condition.

Etiology and Diagnosis

RVFs can result from different causes, including labor injury, careful inconveniences, fiery gut infection, radiation treatment, and danger. Labor, especially with instrumental conveyance or delayed work, stays the most well-known cause.

Diagnosing RVFs regularly includes a blend of patient history, actual assessment, and imaging studies. Clinical assessment frequently uncovers the presence of a fistulous parcel, while imaging methods like X-ray or endoanal ultrasound give itemized perception of the fistula's life systems and encompassing designs. Exact analysis is significant for viable administration, it are recognized and addressed to guarantee that every contributing element.

Management Strategies

The management of RVFs with concurrent fecal incontinence requires a multifaceted approach, tailored to the individual patient's condition and overall health. Dr. Wexner emphasizes the importance of a thorough preoperative assessment and the use of multimodal strategies to optimize outcomes.

1. Conservative Management

For little, low-yield fistulas without critical incontinence, moderate administration might be fitting. This can incorporate dietary alterations, stool building specialists, and inside administration projects to limit side effects and advance recuperating. Anti-toxins and mitigating drugs may likewise be endorsed to control contamination and diminish irritation.

2. Surgical Intervention

At the point when moderate measures fizzle or in instances of bigger, suggestive fistulas, careful mediation is much of the time important. The decision of careful procedure relies upon the fistula's size, area, and etiology, as well as the patient's general wellbeing and past careful history. Normal careful methodologies include:

- Fistulotomy and Fistulectomy: These methodology include the careful opening or expulsion of the fistulous plot. They are regularly saved for shallow, clear fistulas.

- Headway Fold Fix: This strategy includes making a tissue fold from the rectal or vaginal wall to cover the fistula opening. It is frequently utilized for additional intricate or intermittent fistulas.

- Seton Position: A seton — a piece of careful string or elastic — is put through the fistula to work with waste and lessen contamination risk. This approach is much of the time utilized as a fundamental stage before conclusive careful fix.

- Natural Joins and Lattice: In specific cases, organic unions or manufactured cross section might be utilized to support the maintenance and advance tissue recuperating.

- Stoma Creation: For serious cases, a brief or super durable stoma might be important to redirect waste stream and permit the fistula to recuperate. This is in many cases considered a final hotel when other careful choices have fizzled.

3. Management of Fecal Incontinence

Tending to waste incontinence is a basic part of RVF the executives. Dr. Wexner advocates for a blend of pelvic floor recovery, biofeedback treatment, and, when vital, careful mediations, for example, sphincteroplasty or sacral nerve feeling. These techniques plan to further develop sphincter capability and reestablish self control, altogether upgrading the patient's personal satisfaction.

Postoperative Care and Follow-Up

Effective administration of RVFs requires fastidious postoperative consideration and ordinary development. Patients ought to be observed for indications of disease, repeat, or inconveniences, with brief mediation on a case by case basis. Long haul follow-up is fundamental to guarantee supported mending and to resolve any continuous issues connected with waste incontinence.


The administration of rectovaginal fistulas with waste incontinence is a complicated and testing try that requires an exhaustive, patient-focused approach. Dr. Steven D. Wexner's commitments to this field have given important bits of knowledge and high level careful procedures, further developing results for endless ladies impacted by this crippling condition. Through proceeded with examination and development, the objective remaining parts to upgrade the personal satisfaction for patients and give powerful, enduring answers for RVFs and related waste incontinence.
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