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Ergonomics In Laparoscopy Lecture By Dr R K Mishra
For Gynecologist / Sep 1st, 2020 10:32 am     A+ | a-

In This video Dr R K Mishra delivering lecture on Ergonomics in Laparoscopy at World Laparoscopy Hospital. Ergonomics means designed for comfort or to minimize fatigue. It means placing your instrument in such a way that you dont get fatigue while performing surgery.

Ergonomics in laparoscopy refers to the design of surgical equipment and instruments, as well as the surgeon's body position and movements, in order to optimize safety, efficiency, and comfort during laparoscopic procedures. Here are some key considerations for ergonomics in laparoscopy:

Equipment design: The design of laparoscopic instruments, including the shape and size of handles and the location of controls, should minimize the amount of force required to operate them and reduce the risk of hand and wrist injuries. In addition, the video monitor should be positioned at a comfortable viewing angle to reduce eye strain and neck and back pain.

Surgeon's posture: The surgeon's posture should be relaxed and comfortable, with the head and neck in a neutral position. The surgeon should also be able to maintain a comfortable working distance from the video monitor and surgical site.

Instrument handling: The surgeon should use a light touch when handling laparoscopic instruments, as excessive force can lead to hand and wrist injuries. In addition, the surgeon should use both hands to manipulate the instruments, rather than relying solely on one hand, which can lead to muscle strain.

Operating room setup: The operating room should be designed to allow for easy movement and positioning of the surgical team and equipment. This includes the location of the surgical table, the placement of equipment, and the positioning of the surgeon's stool.

By considering ergonomics in laparoscopy, surgeons can minimize the risk of injury, improve efficiency, and increase patient safety during laparoscopic procedures. It is important for healthcare providers to receive training in ergonomic principles and to regularly review their practice to ensure that they are working in a safe and efficient manner.
Dr. Akash Solanki
Nov 1st, 2023 6:30 am
Dr. R K Mishra's lecture on Ergonomics in Laparoscopy at World Laparoscopy Hospital provides crucial insights into optimizing surgical comfort and minimizing fatigue. It emphasizes the significance of instrument placement and body positioning for enhancing safety, efficiency, and overall comfort during laparoscopic procedures. A valuable resource for surgeons and medical professionals.

Sep 2nd, 2020 11:10 am
This is a good lecture video. I appreciate it, this is a very useful lecture for me, I learn a lot of things. Thanks to sharing this awesome lecture of Ergonomics In Laparoscopy.
Sep 2nd, 2020 10:57 am
Thanks for posting an excellent lecture of Ergonomics In Laparoscopy. Dr. Mishra, you are a genius you are one of the best teachers I have ever seen. your presentations are very simple and can never be forgotten. Thanks.
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