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Lecture on Global status of Robotic Surgery Part 2
For Gynecologist / May 25th, 2020 6:47 am     A+ | a-

This is a video Lecture on the Global Status of Robotic Surgery. Minimal Access Surgery has increasingly become a technology-driven specialty. Robotic assistance is considered one innovation within abdominal surgery over the past decade that has the potential to compensate for the drawbacks of conventional laparoscopy. The dramatic evolution of robotic surgery over the past 10 years is likely to be eclipsed by even greater advances over the next decade. We review the current status of robotic technology in surgery. 

Robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery that uses robotic systems to assist surgeons in performing surgeries. In recent years, robotic surgery has become increasingly popular, with more and more hospitals and medical centers adopting robotic surgical systems. In this lecture, we will discuss the global status of robotic surgery, including its current use, benefits, and challenges.

Current Use of Robotic Surgery:
Robotic surgery has been used for a variety of surgical procedures, including urological, gynecological, cardiothoracic, and general surgeries. The da Vinci Surgical System, developed by Intuitive Surgical, is one of the most commonly used robotic surgical systems in the world. According to Intuitive Surgical, over 6 million procedures have been performed using the da Vinci Surgical System, with over 5,000 systems installed in hospitals and medical centers worldwide.

Benefits of Robotic Surgery:
Robotic surgery offers several benefits over traditional open surgery, including:
Smaller Incisions: Robotic surgery allows surgeons to make smaller incisions, resulting in less scarring, less pain, and faster recovery times.

Enhanced Visualization:
Robotic systems provide surgeons with high-definition 3D visualization, allowing for better visualization of the surgical site and greater precision.

Greater Dexterity: Robotic systems allow surgeons to manipulate instruments with greater precision and dexterity than is possible with traditional surgical instruments.

Reduced Blood Loss: Robotic surgery can result in less blood loss than traditional open surgery, which can be particularly beneficial for patients who have a high risk of bleeding.

Challenges of Robotic Surgery:
Despite the benefits of robotic surgery, there are also several challenges associated with the use of robotic surgical systems. These challenges include:

High Cost:
Robotic surgical systems are expensive, which can make them difficult for some hospitals and medical centers to afford.

Learning Curve:
Robotic surgery requires specialized training, and there can be a steep learning curve for surgeons who are not familiar with the technology.

Lack of Tactile Feedback:
Robotic systems do not provide tactile feedback to surgeons, which can make it difficult to judge the amount of force being applied during surgery.

Limited Availability:
Robotic surgical systems may not be available in all hospitals and medical centers, which can limit patient access to this technology.

In conclusion, robotic surgery is a rapidly growing field that offers several benefits over traditional open surgery. However, there are also challenges associated with the use of robotic surgical systems, including high cost, a steep learning curve, and limited availability. As the technology continues to evolve and become more widespread, it is likely that robotic surgery will become an increasingly important tool in the field of surgery.
Today I would like to give a lecture on the global status of robotic surgery and its advantages.
Robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery that utilizes a robotic system to perform surgical procedures with greater precision and control. The robot is controlled by a surgeon, who uses a console to direct the movements of the robotic arms. This type of surgery has gained popularity in recent years, with more and more hospitals adopting this technology.
One of the main advantages of robotic surgery is the increased precision it provides. The robotic arms can make smaller, more precise movements than a human hand, which can result in fewer complications and faster recovery times. In addition, the robotic system provides a 3D view of the surgical site, which allows for better visualization of the area being operated on.
Another advantage of robotic surgery is that it is minimally invasive. This means that the surgery requires smaller incisions than traditional surgery, which can result in less scarring, less pain, and a faster recovery time.
Robotic surgery also allows for greater flexibility in surgical procedures. The robotic system can be used for a wide range of surgeries, including prostate surgery, gynecological surgery, and cardiac surgery.
In terms of the global status of robotic surgery, the technology has been rapidly expanding in recent years. In 2019, there were approximately 8,000 da Vinci surgical systems, the most popular robotic surgery system, installed worldwide. The majority of these systems were located in the United States, with Europe and Asia also seeing a significant increase in the use of robotic surgery.
However, there are some concerns regarding the cost of robotic surgery. The initial investment for a robotic surgical system can be significant, and there may also be additional costs for training and maintenance. This can make the technology inaccessible for some hospitals and patients.
Increased Precision: One of the most significant advantages of robotic surgery is the increased precision it offers. The robotic arms can make smaller, more precise movements than a human hand, which can result in a more accurate surgery. This means that there is less chance of damage to surrounding tissue and nerves, resulting in fewer complications and faster recovery times for the patient.

Minimally Invasive: Robotic surgery is minimally invasive, which means that it requires smaller incisions than traditional surgery. This leads to less scarring, less pain, and a faster recovery time. Patients can return to their normal activities much sooner after a robotic surgery procedure than they could after traditional surgery.
Greater Flexibility: Robotic surgery allows for greater flexibility in surgical procedures. The robotic system can be used for a wide range of surgeries, including prostate surgery, gynecological surgery, and cardiac surgery. This makes it an attractive option for hospitals and surgeons looking to expand their surgical capabilities.
Better Visualization: The robotic system provides a 3D view of the surgical site, which allows for better visualization of the area being operated on. This improved visualization allows for more accurate surgery and better outcomes for patients.
Reduced Blood Loss: Because robotic surgery is minimally invasive, it results in reduced blood loss during surgery. This is especially important in surgeries where significant blood loss could be life-threatening.
Faster Recovery: With robotic surgery, patients can recover faster and return to their normal activities sooner than with traditional surgery. This means less time spent in the hospital and a quicker return to work or other daily activities.
Less Pain: Robotic surgery is associated with less pain than traditional surgery, which means that patients require fewer pain medications and have a more comfortable recovery.
In conclusion, robotic surgery has numerous advantages over traditional surgery, including increased precision, minimally invasive procedures, greater flexibility, better visualization, reduced blood loss, faster recovery, and less pain. While the cost of the equipment and training required for robotic surgery may be a concern, the benefits of this technology make it an attractive option for hospitals and patients. As the technology continues to evolve and become more widely available, it has the potential to revolutionize the field of surgery and improve patient outcomes around the world.
In this lecture, I will be discussing the global status of robotic surgery complications. While robotic surgery has several advantages over traditional surgery, there are still some potential complications that need to be considered.
One of the main concerns with robotic surgery is the risk of complications during the procedure. While the risk of complications is generally low, they can still occur. Complications can include bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissue or organs. These complications can occur during the surgical procedure or during the recovery period.

In addition to the potential for complications, there are also concerns about the cost of robotic surgery. The initial investment for a robotic surgical system can be significant, and there may also be additional costs for training and maintenance. This can make the technology inaccessible for some hospitals and patients.
Despite these concerns, the use of robotic surgery has continued to grow globally. In 2019, there were approximately 8,000 da Vinci surgical systems installed worldwide, with the majority of these systems located in the United States. Europe and Asia have also seen a significant increase in the use of robotic surgery in recent years.
To address concerns about complications, hospitals and surgeons have implemented several strategies to minimize the risk of complications during robotic surgery. These strategies include rigorous training and certification programs for surgeons, as well as careful patient selection to ensure that patients are suitable candidates for robotic surgery.
In addition to these strategies, ongoing research is being conducted to improve the safety and effectiveness of robotic surgery. This research includes the development of new surgical tools and techniques, as well as the exploration of new applications for robotic surgery in areas such as neurosurgery and orthopedics.
In conclusion, while there are potential complications associated with robotic surgery, the benefits of this technology make it an attractive option for many patients and hospitals. As the technology continues to evolve and become more widely available, it is important for hospitals and surgeons to carefully consider the risks and benefits of robotic surgery and implement strategies to minimize the risk of complications. Ongoing research and development in this field will also help to improve the safety and effectiveness of robotic surgery in the years to come. Thank you.
In order to minimize the risk of complications in robotic surgery, it is important to carefully select patients who are good candidates for the procedure. Patients with complex medical conditions or who have undergone previous surgeries may not be suitable for robotic surgery. In addition, surgeons must undergo rigorous training and certification programs to ensure that they are competent in using the robotic surgical system.
Some specific complications that can occur during robotic surgery include bleeding, infection, nerve damage, and damage to surrounding tissue or organs. These complications can occur due to errors in surgical technique, inadequate training of the surgeon, or malfunctions in the robotic system itself.
In order to minimize the risk of complications, surgeons must follow strict protocols during the surgical procedure and ensure that the robotic system is functioning properly before and during the procedure. In addition, patients must be closely monitored during the recovery period to ensure that any complications are identified and treated promptly.
Despite these potential complications, the use of robotic surgery continues to grow worldwide. The benefits of this technology, such as increased precision, faster recovery times, and less pain for patients, make it an attractive option for many hospitals and patients. As the technology continues to evolve and become more widely available, it is important for hospitals and surgeons to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and continue to implement strategies to minimize the risk of complications.
In conclusion, while there are potential complications associated with robotic surgery, the benefits of this technology make it a valuable tool for surgeons and hospitals. With careful patient selection, rigorous training and certification programs, and ongoing research and development, the use of robotic surgery will likely continue to grow in the years to come. Thank you.
Dr. Poulomi Biswas
Nov 9th, 2023 9:24 am
This informative video lecture delves into the global status of robotic surgery, highlighting its evolution and potential to address conventional laparoscopy drawbacks. It anticipates even greater advances in the next decade.

Dr. Lalsanguali Malsomi (Mizoram)
Jun 3rd, 2020 11:38 am
Sir your way of explaining is so excellent that, non-medical profession able to understand your lectures. but the way he teaches helps bring everything together. I have learned a lots. Thanks for sharing this lecture on Global status of Robotic Surgery.
Areen D Wanrio
Jun 3rd, 2020 11:26 am
Dr. Mishra you are so good at teaching. I have learnt a lot of things from you! thank you for this video, Your lecture is very helpful and valuable. Thanks for sharing this educative and impressive Lecture on Global status of Robotic Surgery.
Dr. Mohammed Nasser El-Din
Jun 3rd, 2020 11:08 am
Thank you so much...enjoyed it indeed. Your Robotic videos are amazing and easy to understand how to use robot. May Almighty Allah bless you and protect you Sir..... Really you are the best teacher. Thanks for sharing this video of Global status of Robotic Surgery.
Dr. Vikash Kumar
Jun 3rd, 2020 10:58 am
Thank you so much for your lecture. I come to understand the mechanism of Robotic surgery. It is very interesting and very informative lecture and clearly understood this concept. now it is much clearer for me. Robotics surgery is such an awesome field. Thank for sharing this Amazing lecture Global status of Robotic Surgery.
Dr. Abdulla Hasim
Jun 3rd, 2020 7:40 am
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made this video of Lecture on Global status of Robotic Surgery Part 2. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. Thanks...
Dr. Mishra.
Dr. Vicky Malhotra
May 31st, 2020 11:31 am
Dr. Mishra is an enthusiastic teacher with good presentation skills. I very much enjoyed his lectures. Thanks for uploading lecture on Global status of Robotic Surgery Part 2.
Dr, Shantanu Patra
May 31st, 2020 9:42 am
Thanks Dr. Mishra for sharing this educative and impressive Lecture on Global status of Robotic Surgery Part 2. you are great surgeon in this world.
Dr. Avantika Singh
May 30th, 2020 10:09 am
I love this video, I want to see more inspirational videos like this. Thanks for uploading this video of the Global status of Robotic Surgery Part 2.
Dr. Ahmad Arabi
May 30th, 2020 8:13 am
This is a very interesting and educative video. Thanks for sharing this useful video of Global status of Robotic Surgery Part 2.
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