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Cost Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Surgery
Cirugía General / May 4th, 2014 2:42 am     A+ | a-

Laparoscopic surgery is known as the minimally invasive way of performing surgeries and offers many advantages to the patients as well as the surgeon. Though this modern technique in doing surgical procedures was more used for gynecological surgeries and gall bladder surgeries now it is used in a whole variety of surgical situations.  The laparoscopic surgery is performed with the help of a small incision by using specially designed surgical tools like trochars and laparoscopes. The surgeon is able to see what he is doing through the minute cameras that are connected to the video monitors.

The advantages of using laparoscopic surgery are many and the chief among them are

  • o   Less painful to the patients
  • o   Shorter and faster recovery periods
  • o   Less scarring
  • o   Ease of return to normal life after surgery
  • o   Less and inexpensive  post surgical care
  • o   Very cost effective compared to the traditional surgeries

In the present days, with the vast advancements in the tools and equipments used in the laparoscopic surgeries, and the development of newer techniques in performing surgeries we see that the traditional way of performing surgeries is overtaken by modern way of doing surgeries like laparoscopic surgeries. The laparoscopic surgery is less expensive as they are performed by making just pin- holes enough to insert the trochar and laparoscope. Due to this the surgeon is able to perform the surgery with very small incisions that avoid the hassles and dangers connected with healing the incisions after surgery.

The management of patients who have undergone laparoscopic surgeries is very easy and swift as they need very little to nil post operative care. This helps them to go out of the hospital within hours of the surgery thus minimizing the amounts they have to spend for lengthy hospitalizations.  The laparoscopic surgeries do not cause any pain and the patient need not have to go for costly medications to control and manage pain during and after the surgery.  The recovery period for the patients who have undergone the laparoscopic surgeries is very short and they can return to the normal work life within days. This helps them to prevent loss of pay and is able to get into their normal working cycle within the shortest possible time.

The time required for this type of surgery is very less compared to the traditional way of doing surgeries by making large openings. This drastically brings down the duration of the surgery. Apart from this due to this ability of the surgeon to perform the surgery with pin holes there is no danger of infections and no costly drugs are needed to heal the wound at the place of surgery. This brings down the cost of the medication. Thus, laparoscopic surgery is the best way to get the surgery performed in an easy and cost effective manner.

Due to this we are able to see that more and more surgeons are offering their expertise in performing surgeries through the laparoscopes. This helps their patients to enjopy the benefit of the cost effectiveness of laparascopic surgeries and offers the boon of health and wellness with least amount of money and suffering.

Dr Nitish Kumar Yadav
May 21st, 2020 12:27 pm
This is the best video with the clear explanation of Laparoscopic access technique, using varis needle create the pneumoperitoneum. Thank you for sharing this video !!!!
Dr. Joyce
Jun 15th, 2020 10:42 am
Dr. Mishra described very clearly on the Cost-Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Surgery. Thanks, sir for posting this educative and informative video.
Dr. Hema
Jun 15th, 2020 10:48 am
Thanks for posting of Cost-Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Surgery. The way of your teaching is too good. I understood this topic very easily. Thanks a lot.
Dr. Redwana
Jun 24th, 2020 12:00 pm
Wonderful video presentation of cost effectiveness of laparoscopic surgery. The way of prof Dr. R. K. Mishra teaching was sooo effective because he love what he do. I can tell that even when some of those terms are complicated and hard to simplify, you did a fantastic job describing it and the video help visual learners like me. God bless you....
Dr. Provath kumar Raju
Jun 24th, 2020 12:03 pm
OMG ! I really don't know when it's finished. This is absolutely amazing wonderful video demonstration of cost effectiveness of laparoscopic surgery with clear cut explanation. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing knowledge.
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