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University of Dundee Scientists Discover Method To Stop Active Cancer Cells in Their Tracks
Hospital / Dec 31st, 2022 4:15 am     A+ | a-

A groundbreaking dual-phase technique has been uncovered by scientists to cease the progression and subsequently eradicate active cancer cells, with a particular emphasis on basal-like breast cancer. This strategy employs specific chemical compounds known as tool molecules to push cancer cells into a state of pro-senescence. This state renders the cells incapable of further division and growth, thereby making them susceptible to novel drug therapies and detection by the immune system.

In a pioneering study conducted by a joint team from the University of Dundee's Drug Discovery Unit (DDU) and Queen Mary University of London, researchers have pinpointed these tool molecules that can effectively stop active cancer cells.

Progress in Cancer Treatment Through Collaborative Efforts
By applying these tool molecules, the researchers are able to drive tumor cells, specifically from a type of breast cancer known as basal-like breast cancer, into a pro-senescence or quasi-dormant state. This prevents the cells from dividing and propagating tumor growth.

This induced state sensitizes the cancer cells to a new category of tool molecules known as senolytic drugs, which are capable of eliminating them. Additionally, this process might expose the cancer cells to the body's immune system, providing extra avenues for treatment.

This innovative 'one-two punch' approach was formulated during investigations into basal-like breast cancer (BLBC), showcasing a significant leap forward in the fight against this disease.

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