Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

Type of mesh in Suprapubic incisional hernia
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Ankur Sharma - Feb 23rd, 2023 4:58 am.
Dr Ankur Sharma
Dr Ankur Sharma
Can we use normal prolene mesh in laparoscopic suprapubic incisional hernia repair?
re: Type of mesh in Suprapubic incisional hernia by Dr. R. K. Mishra - Apr 15th, 2023 4:04 pm
Dr. R. K. Mishra
Dr. R. K. Mishra
The use of normal prolene mesh in laparoscopic suprapubic incisional hernia repair can be considered, but it may not be the most optimal choice. Normal prolene mesh has a high risk of infection due to its non-absorbable nature and may cause chronic inflammation leading to complications like adhesion and mesh-related pain.

Instead, absorbable mesh or composite mesh, which is a combination of non-absorbable and absorbable materials, may be a better option for laparoscopic suprapubic incisional hernia repair. Absorbable mesh is made from materials that are gradually absorbed by the body, which reduces the risk of infection and inflammation. Composite mesh is designed to provide strength and support while also allowing the tissue to grow into the mesh, which helps to prevent recurrence and reduces the risk of complications.

The choice of mesh for laparoscopic suprapubic incisional hernia repair depends on various factors, including the size of the hernia, patient factors, and surgeon preference. In some cases, normal prolene mesh may be suitable, but in general, absorbable or composite mesh is preferred to reduce the risk of complications and improve outcomes. It is best to consult with a surgeon to determine the most appropriate type of mesh for a specific patient and hernia size.
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