Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

What is the advantage of Extracorporeal knot over Intracorporeal knot?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr John Sadika - May 31st, 2016 11:48 am.
Dr John Sadika
Dr John Sadika
My question is in laparoscopic surgery what is the advantage of extracorporeal knot over Intracorporeal knot? In open surgery we never use extracorporeal knot but why we do so in laparoscopic surgery.

In Gynecological practice where can I use extracorporeal knot. What are the most important extracorporeal knot which I should learn during my stay at World Laparoscopy Hospital.
re: What is the advantage of Extracorporeal knot over Intracorporeal knot? by Dr. S. Hussain - May 31st, 2016 1:08 pm
Dr. S. Hussain
Dr. S. Hussain
Dear Dr.John Sadika,

Extracorporeal is the only knots that can be used when the suture does not slide freely through the tissue and anchoring device. These knot configurations also theoretically avoid suture damage from abrasion and tissue damage during sliding. The major disadvantage of static knots is the propensity of the loop to loosen before the second half-hitch is seated to the point that it provisionally “locks” the knot. This occurs when using a single-lumen knot pusher. One method of minimizing this effect is by using a double-diameter knot pusher which holds the tissue loop tight as it advances sequential half-hitch
This very simple and safe technique has been successfully done in many cases. Its advantage is that any number of additional knots can be tied and easily slid down in a single maneuver.

You can used Extracorporeal knot in Gynecological practice in following procedures-
 Ovarian reconstruction
 Vaginal cuff closure
 Cervical stump closure
 Myomectomy

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