Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Aravind - Jan 3rd, 2017 2:20 am.
Dr Aravind
Dr Aravind
Sir would using a smaller diameter colonoscope that have come in the market reduce the patient discomfort? Or would it increase the recoiling issues of the scope after insertion? Should i go for a normal calibre scope(13mm) or smaller ones (9.8mm)?
re: Colonoscope by Dr R K Mishra - Jan 5th, 2017 9:56 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Dr Arvind

Thanks for your question and very happy new year to you. May article has shown that small caliber colonoscopy is less painful than colonoscopy with standard colonoscopes. Patients could undergo unsedated colonoscopy with the new system with relatively little pain.

It has also been said that the new device is also useful for most patients in whom colonoscopy cannot be completed with standard instruments due to some obstructive pathology.

Standard Colonoscope diameter varies from 11-13 mm but this new system has equally good or better vision with only. The new colonoscopy system consists of a thin 9 mm scope, 170 cm in length and coming together with a 13 mm diameter 60 cm long overtube. This overtube is useful to prevent looping effect.

With regard

R K Mishra
re: Colonoscope by Dr Aravind Menon - Jan 6th, 2017 12:02 am
Dr Aravind Menon
Dr Aravind Menon
Thankyou very much sir
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