Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

How can we use PneumoLiner?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Rakesh Chowdhuri - Jun 7th, 2016 11:12 am.
Dr Rakesh Chowdhuri
Dr Rakesh Chowdhuri
Dear Sir,

FDA has recently allowed to use PneumoLiner but I want to know how it can be used in laparoscopic surgery.
re: How can we use PneumoLiner? by Dr.S.Hussain - Jun 7th, 2016 1:25 pm
Dear Dr.Rakesh Chowdhuri,
PneumoLiner is containment system which is use with certain laparoscopic power morcellators to isolate uterine tissue that is not suspected to contain cancer. PneumoLiner is an effective tissue containment system which reduce the risk of spreading cancer during these procedures.

PneumoLiner consists of a containment bag and a tube-like plunger to deliver the device into the abdominal cavity where the tissue to be removed is placed in the bag and the bag is sealed and inflated inside . Inflation allows for the creation of a working space around the tissue and visualization during morcellation to help prevent breakage of the containment bag by the morcellator tip or other laparoscopic instruments.

PneumoLiner can be used only in a limited patient population, including women without uterine fibroids undergoing hysterectomy and some pre-menopausal women with fibroids who want to maintain their fertility or in myomectomy.
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