Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

Operative Hysteroscopy
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Mohammad Atieh - Nov 30th, 2016 11:54 am.
Dr Mohammad Atieh
Dr Mohammad Atieh
What is the optimal pressure and flow you need in operative hystericopy, how could I improve vision in hysteroscopy?
Thank you
re: Operative Hysteroscopy by Rajneesh Mishra - Dec 5th, 2016 1:01 pm
Rajneesh Mishra
Rajneesh Mishra
The pressure in hysteroscopy in operative procedure should not go more than 180 mm Hg. Rate of flow of Glycine depends on the amunt of leak and if you have bleeding rate of flow may go as high as 500ml/minute. To improve the vision good quality HD hysteroscope with 3 chip HD camera is required. Fibroscope filter of camera should be On and there should be optimum flow of Glycine. If Image is dark you can adjust the shutter speed of camera low to improve the vision. If you will let you know which company camera you are using for hysteroscopy I can give you little more clue hos to improve the vision.
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