Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

Starting laparoscopic instrument
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr. Vinu. G - Aug 28th, 2016 12:20 pm.
Dr. Vinu. G
Dr. Vinu. G
Dr. Mishra sir,

I am from kerala and works with kerala govt. Mine is a huge volume district hospital but not yet started lap. I have completed D.MAS from your institute last month and presently confident to start lap of my own. The problem is that there is no laparoscope presently. As I have completed training the authorities have agreed to purchase one for me. I would be extremely thankful if you can suggest the best brands and specifications of laparoscope and accessories for a beginner. Insufflator, monitor, camera, light source, hand instruments, electro cautery etc.

They have asked me to go for cheapest options as it is the custom in govt. But I don't want to compromise on safety and quality at the least. I would like to do a bit of gynaec like myomectomy and hysterectomy too. If you don't like to discuss this in open please mail me the approximate cost,best company and specifications for a beginner in lap.. thank you
re: Starting laparoscopic instrument by Dr R K Mishra - Aug 29th, 2016 10:16 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Dr Vinu

This question is very difficult to answer because there is great variation in price between India, Chinees, American and German company.

My suggestion is:

Buy telescope and camera from Storz or Striker
Buy Insufflator and Hand Instruments from OM surgicals
Buy Electrosurgical generator from Covedian

Please download the recommended laparoscopic instrument for general surgery from the link below:
https://www.laparoscopyhospita roscopic-instruments-for-surge ons.pdf

Please download the list of laparoscopic instrument for gynecological laparoscopy from link below:
https://www.laparoscopyhospita roscopic-instruments-for-gynec ologists.pdf

I hope this will solve your problem.

With regard

R K Mishra
re: Starting laparoscopic instrument by Dr Alisha - Sep 10th, 2016 10:57 pm
Dr Alisha
Dr Alisha
In Turkey they dont allow any company except German and US brand in our hospital. Can I buy the Indian instrument from WLH campus store?
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