Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

How to prevent Covid 19 infection in laparoscopy?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr. Nishant Katiyar - Jun 10th, 2020 6:24 am.
Dr. Nishant Katiyar
Dr. Nishant Katiyar
Dear Sir,
Pneumoperitoneum is required in laparoscopic surgery and there is always a fear that CO2 which we fill in the abdomen can contain CORONA VIRUS. How as a surgeon we can protect ourselves.
re: How to prevent Covid 19 infection in laparoscopy? by Dr. R.K. Mishra - Jun 10th, 2020 6:29 am
Dr. R.K. Mishra
Dr. R.K. Mishra
Laparoscopic surgery produces more particulate matter than open surgery, increasing the risk of viral transmission. The high particulate matter is mostly attributed to:
1. Electrosurgical devices employed
2. Low gas motility of pneumoperitoneum
3. Gas expulsion through ports or trocars

N95 respirators are the preferred personal protective equipment for avoiding harmful chemicals during electrosurgery. Before using an N95, all operators should be fit-tested to a specifically sized mask to ensure an adequate face seal. In support of them use, N95 respirators have been shown to provide protection against aerosolized infectious pathogens.

A laparoscopic Smoke Evacuation System is also necessary. The smokes Evacuation System is an easy-to-use device, that connects to a standard Luer-lock trocar and a suction or vacuum unit. When used during laparoscopic procedures, it will effectively and efficiently remove smoke, from the peritoneal cavity. So, the surgeon can have enhanced visualization of the surgical site safety from COVID 19 and Improved air quality in the. Therefore, the whole surgical team should wear personal protection equipment including
re: How to prevent Covid 19 infection in laparoscopy? by Dr. Vibhav Agrawal - Jun 10th, 2020 7:59 am
Dr. Vibhav Agrawal
Dr. Vibhav Agrawal
Problem is every patient's Covid19 test has to be done and it takes 2 days in many cases for reports to come. I don't know how reliable is rapid test for coronavirus?
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