Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

Can I perform VAAFT surgery without Fibrin Glue?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr. Sheel Madhur - Dec 15th, 2016 4:49 am.
Dr. Sheel Madhur
Dr. Sheel Madhur
Dear Sir,

My question is can I Perform Video Assisted Anal Fistula Surgery Without Using Fibrin Glue?
re: Can I perform VAAFT surgery without Fibrin Glue? by Dr R K Mishra - Dec 15th, 2016 8:32 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Dr. Sheel Madhur

The main feature of the Video-assisted anal fistula treatment is that the procedure is performed entirely under direct endoscopic vision by using fistuloscope. With WAAFT approach, the internal opening can be found in 82.6% of cases even in complex fistula.

It is not always necessary to use fibrin glue during the VAAFT. In any event, the internal fistula opening has to be closed either by linear stapler or you can also use suture. At the end of the operation once internal opening is closed, you can apply cyanoacrylate or fibrin glue, through a tiny catheter, immediately behind the suture or stapler line in order to completely seal it or to reinforce the suture itself and ensure that the opening is completely sealed.

The cyanoacrylate must not be placed in the fistula tract because the fistula pathway should be left open ideally to allow secretions to drain out in the postoperative period.

Please do not hesitate if you have any further question.

With regard

R K Mishra
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