Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

Hysteroscopic morcellation - advantages and disadvantages
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Milan - May 23rd, 2021 9:59 pm.
Greetings to everyone,

After finishing my D.MAS, and showed great skills in my clinic I was invited to one of the greatest GYN&OBS events in my country to present mentioned topic.
If someone is familiar with the topic and have recommendations for scientific works and suggestions I would be grateful.

With a lot of respect,
Dr. Milan
re: Hysteroscopic morcellation - advantages and disadvantages by Dr Rahul - May 29th, 2021 5:24 am
Dr Rahul
Dr Rahul
Dear Dr. Milan

There are many topics which can be presented. The topic which you have selected Hysteroscopic morcellation - advantages and disadvantages is a nice one. Hysteroscopic morcellation is a nice minimal access procedure to hysteroscopic resection for the removal of submucous fibroids. There are currently two systems in use, Mysore, and Truclear. However, they have their own limitation. It can not be used for large myomas, It is also not feasible to use grade II submucous myoma.

For large myomas even if it is large submucous myoma laparoscopic myomectomy is a better option rather than hysteroscopic myomectomy. No electrical energy is used which may potentially affect histological diagnosis but because electrocoagulation is not possible it has more chances of bleeding.
re: Hysteroscopic morcellation - advantages and disadvantages by Dr. Vinita - Jun 6th, 2021 8:46 am
Dr. Vinita
Dr. Vinita
The use of hysteroscopic monopolar or bipolar instruments is considered the gold standard in circumstances where scissors are not successful for the removal of intrauterine lesions like myomas or polyps. In my opinion hysteroscopic, morcellators are not very effective instruments.
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