Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

What is difference in da vinci SI and da Vinci XI Robot
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Anil Krishana Grover - May 19th, 2016 11:16 am.
Dr Anil Krishana Grover
Dr Anil Krishana Grover
Please clarify the difference between da Vinci SI Robot and Da Vinci XI robotic surgery and how it will make difference. Actually we are planning to start robotic surgery at our hospital and I ave taken training at W L H in July 2010 batch. For last 5 year after training I was trying to convience my hospital administration. Now they are ready. I have seen the intuitive website and they have these two model and now in my opinion as a trainer Dr Mishra is the best person who can answer this question. Also I want the other user of da Vinci to give their opinion that which one is better to buy.

re: What is difference in da vinci SI and da Vinci XI Robot by Dr R K Mishra - May 21st, 2016 10:32 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
There are few differences and improvement in da Vinci Xi robot.

1, A new overhead instrument arm architecture designed to facilitate anatomical access from virtually any position.

2. A new endoscope digital architecture that creates a simpler, more compact design with improved visual definition and clarity.

3. An ability to attach the endoscope to any arm, providing flexibility for visualizing the surgical site.

4. Smaller, thinner arms with newly designed joints that offer a greater range of motion than ever before.

5. Longer instrument shafts designed to give surgeons greater operative reach.

In addition, the da Vinci Xi System is built to be compatible with Intuitive Surgical's Firefly Fluorescence Imaging System. While it is not currently available, we plan to seek regulatory clearance for use of Firefly Imaging with the da Vinci Xi System. This technology is currently available as an option with the da Vinci Si model, and it is used to provide the surgeon with additional visual information in a variety of surgical procedures by enabling real-time visualization and assessment of vessels, bile ducts and tissue perfusion. You can add a bit of augmented reality into the mix to make the job of the surgeon significantly easier by providing information overlaid on the important bits of the patient directly, instead of having to glance back and forth at images while you try not to poke the wrong squishy thing.
re: What is difference in da vinci SI and da Vinci XI Robot by DR. G. SSALI - Jun 7th, 2016 11:01 am
It does not matter as both of them are too expensive for us.......
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