Alumi Laparoscopic Discussion Board

Is it possible to do Laparoscopy and Removal of the Cyst in Polycystic Kidney?
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Md Haquim - Jun 8th, 2016 5:14 am.
Dr Md Haquim
Dr Md Haquim
I have a patient who is suffering from Poly-cystic Kidney with a lot of pain and very large kidney, Is it possible to do Laparoscopy and Removal of the Cyst in Poly-cystic Kidney?
re: Is it possible to do Laparoscopy and Removal of the Cyst in Polycystic Kidney? by Dr R K Mishra - Jun 8th, 2016 6:24 am
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Ideally Polycystic Kidney should not be disturbed. By puncturing the cyst there is increased chance of infection and hematuria. Laparoscopic puncture of some of the bigger cyst is only advisable in patient in whom the pain is intolerable and the bigger cyst is creating the fibrosis.

For polycystic kidney there are new research available some scientist has noticed that tiny blood vessels surrounding the cysts were altered very early in cyst development. They therefore treated the mice with a potent ‘growth factor’ protein called VEGFC, and found that patterns of blood vessels normalised and the function of the kidneys improved. In the mice with the rare form of the condition, it also led to a modest but significant increase in lifespan.

David Long, lead researcher and Principal Research Associate at the Institute of Child Health at UCL, explains: “With further testing, treatments that target blood vessels surrounding the kidney cysts, perhaps in combination with currently used drugs, may prove to be beneficial for patients with polycystic kidney disease.”
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