Professor Doctor Priya Ranjan Trivedi

Pro Chancellor Prof. Dr. P.R. Trivedi

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Chancellor of World Laparoscopy Hospital with Prime Minister of India

Professor Dr Priya Ranjan Trivedi, Chancellor of our University with President of India.

Prof. P.R. Trivedi is world renowned environmental scientist, institution builder and management thinker. He has established more than 200 institutions all over world. He has helped government of many country in the establishment of universities, colleges and schools for teaching and research of disaster mitigation and management, environment, human rights, peace studies, sustainable development, ecological tourism, rural as well urban entrepreneurship.

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Chancellor of our University with President of India

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

He has received hundreds of national as well as international award including Fountain of Universal Peace Award of United States of America's IAEWP - Affiliated to ECOSOC of the United Nations signed by Dr. Joachim Schuster, Secretary General, World Peace Academy's Mahatma Gandhi International Award from Alabama, USA signed by the President Dr. Charles Mercieca, Academie Europeenne Des Arts, Paris Special Diplome "Ad Honores" signed by the President M. Mourice GIBERT, World Distance Learning Virtual University Administration Award from Comision De Educacion A Distancia, Madrid signed by the President, Dr. Alfonso Roldan More, Spanish Environmental Health Award of FESAMA, The Spanish Association Professionals in Occupational Health and Environment signed by the President Dr. F. Dessart, International Environmental Law Academician Award of Institut Des Affaires Internationales, Paris, Conseil Academique Award of Universite Libre Des Sciences De L'homme De Paris, UN News Award signed by the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Lee Jon Young, Best Environmentalist Award of the International Scientific Academy of Life Universe and Nature, Toulouse, France, Alliance Universelle Pour La Paix Par La Connaissance (AUPAC) Global Award on Peace, Mercy and Tolerance Cosponsored by Association Internationale des Educateurs pour la Paix Mondiale (AIEPM), Brussels.

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Prof. Trivedi has visited more than 100 countries including USA, UK, Holland, Italy, Spain, Poland, Russia, Tunisia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, South Korea, Maldives, Mauritius, Uganda in connection with signing of MoUs with Universities and the respective Governments. He has organised dozens of international conferences on environment, alternative and complementary medicine, eco-philosophy, world peace and sustainability in many countries of the world.

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Prof. Trivedi is the President of the World Institution Building Programme (WIBP), the Chairman of the Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment (IIEE) and the Indian Institute of Human Rights (IIHR). He is currently busy in helping the Central Government besides the State Governments of Nagaland, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Sikkim, Uttaranchal, Arunachal Pradesh, Jharkhand and Meghalaya for the establishment of Vocational Universities in these States through special enactments of the State Legislatures for solving the problem of unemployment.

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Prof. Trivedi holds Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral qualifications in Engineering, Management, Human Rights and Environmental Laws. The three Encyclopaedias authored by him on Environment (30 Volumes), Disaster Management (20 Volumes) and Sustainable Development (50 Volumes) are used by all the important libraries of the world.

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Prof. Trivedi has designed a Masterplan Paradigm for reducing unemployment by introducing vocational education in all the Schools and Colleges throughout the world in general and Afro-Asian countries in particular.

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Click the various links below to know about the Pro Chancellor Prof. P.R. Trivedi.

Masterplan Paradigm for Higher Education and Development in the Afro-Asian Countries in the Twentyfirst Century
Confederation of Indian University | Vedams Books from India | Priya Ranjan Trivedi Institute of Post graduate environmental education and research | Peace Environment for your health | President, World Institution Building Program | Zambia | Uganda | India1 | India2 | India3 | Institution of Environmental Engineers | TGO University is leader of international scientific research programme to develop an understanding of the earth and its environs as a single physical, biological and geological system and build a predictive capability based on that understanding.

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